What people don't realize about Brigitte

Always had, just less noticed because Barriers provided a lot of damage mitigation to making healing more valuable. But right now, because barriers got reduced uptime, so less damage mitigation. Making room for more damage focused styles. Some nerfs on overall healing per sec, made the game more damage oriented. So yes, right now Supports have healing capabilities but they are not the best of their kits or at least not that “prioritary”. Sure healing can life saver and it’s nice having some healing, but the rest of their kits are way more interesting and rewarding.

Lucio for passive healing and speed, boop and ultimate. Great for small areas and enviromental kills

Mercy for overall mobility in open maps, also to dmg boost and rez

Baptiste because immortality field and amplification matrix

Zen because his orbs, damage and ultimate

Moira because her poke playstyle and overall mobility and power on closed spaces

Brigitte because her cc, durability and good pairing with shield tanks

Ana because her nade, sleep, nano. Sure her shots are great, but easily forgotten from the rest of her kit.

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If that’s how you feel, why do you waste time with a game made by idiots (as per opinion)

There was a mission or vision at somewhere, that it didn’t work out oh well that’s what patches are for. On top of that idk if you ever done any game programming but a game like Overwatch is an insanely difficult undertaking to attempt balance on, technically they are doing ba pretty good job.

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But not against heroes that they are supposed to have an edge over.

Platitudes about how X hero’s mains, even high tier OTP mains ‘‘dont know how to use the hero’’ is nothing short of biased and condensing. And false for that matter.

You mean when she was picked only in GM as a symptom pick of absurdly high burst and was below mediocre outside that specific, volatile part of ladder?


I’d rather see Brig reworked then.
Just because she has a melee weapon, therefore consistent damage to deal, she’s not allowed to be engaging because she’s a support hero.

And indeed I am playing more Paladins lately and I’m getting more fun out of it.

Well, your not wrong. I’m gonna agree with you here. But, I don’t think, though, her WHOLE kit is all about prevention. Especially when we look at her healing packs she throws. They are made to basically save somebody’s behind. (and actually output healing, as she is a healer) But the amount of usefulness in the Whipshot and Shield Bash shouldn’t be underrated. I was seeing so many nerfs on Brig that I thought things were going to go down a rough road. But, as it turns out, actually playing her, and based on what you’ve said here, she is not at that point, and hopefully doesn’t go down that direction, regardless of how others feel about Brig.

I believe all of the characters, if at all possible, should be at the point that they are not only balance, but in a place that makes people happy. Especially those who understand their characters very well. Out of all of the healers, I understand Brigitte the best (and is one of my mains btw). So, even if she’s annoying, that shouldn’t effect whether or not Brig’s balanced or not. I mean, look at Mei. I absolutely hate Mei, personally, because of how much of a demon her mist is. But that doesn’t change my thought that Mei should be in a spot that statisfies people, including Mei mains, the ones who (probably) understand Mei best.

But going back to Brigitte, people do not tend to realize the usefulness of what she was built to do. They see that the abilities annoy them, and think negatively. Brig needs the power that exists in her Shield Bash and Whipshot not to annoy people (not rly), but to be able to do her job for 1 and 2, do things that other supports either have a harder time doing or just simply can’t do. Shield Bash can deny whole ultimates, plus give her mobility (small amount), and the stun sets up her burst combo which was like, what? 140 dmg? Something close or around that.

The Whipshot triggers her passive, plus can potentially deny ults, get boop kills, gives Brig something for long range when she’s melee, and something both Whipshot and Shield Bash does, as this guy’s stated, prevents people from doing normal actions, like getting big ults and stopping flanks. There’s things Brig is useful for, even if it’s annoying or even just hard to notice in general. You just simply need to look at things in a different perspective. But to mention why people don’t realize this stuff about Brig, is because of the annoyance that Brig can be to others.

Don’t let annoyance blind you from true balance.

Thanks for your time,
The D.va, Brigitte, Tracer, Orisa, and Mercy main at your service,

Brig should have remained a mediocre healing high durability support instead of giving up more and more durability for mostly worthless buffs.

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She enabled DoubleBarrier. And that wasn’t fine.

That may have been the initial vision/design they had but that apparently didn’t turn out so well and the game is very different from what it was before. So she’s not supposed to have an edge over Winston anymore. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing anymore because a lot of characters have lost and gained different things.

And besides in regards to winston you really only need like 1 other guy to help you out, even a baby dva would suffice to help take him take him out if she goes long range.

I would think nerfing Orisa and Sigma would’ve been enough though. They certainly aren’t being played now.

What are you talking about I get plenty wins with sigma and things go well with orisa sometimes too, she builds ult super fast

I’m saying the meta right now is mostly dive. I see a lot of Winston Zarya.

Cool, then lets rework everyone into Soldier.

Oh wait, it was only removing the counterpicks to popular heroes, my bad. No wonder this game is dying lmao

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I won’t argue with that, although I personally I think strategy/skill dictate fights more than meta does in the end. I mean I play a lot of Zaraya and Sigma but I still find myself having to pull out Hog sometimes despite his recent nerfs and he’s not really considered “Meta”…

Actually, tbh more and more I’m starting think that this meta talks and following pros can be very helpful but detrimental at the same time. The majority of the overwatch community listens to a handful of people and takes their words as Gospel. This doesn’t help in terms of innovation, and pro players are not infallible.

I don’t like meta’s either but Winston and Zarya are both pretty good right now

Brigitte is dead AF, and looks like that is what Blizzard wants.
But hey, dps and tanks keep spamming ‘need healing’, I literally can’t heal them. She is a throwpick


Well you read none of my post, but that’s fine, your free to believe what you want.

However there is no such thing as throwpicks and is a cowardly attempt at masking the reality that there are ONLY throwplayers, because characters do not have intent. Throwplayers de-rank themselves, whether it’s because they seek a lower rank or have delusions about ranking up and facing greater opponents yet apparently do not posses the skill to “overcome” playing with a Brig on their team.

That they are, but the players dictate games not the Meta.

As she should… She’s a support.
Every squishy should. Tanks are bullies that’s how they make space and each team is granted only two per team. If you want Brig to be able to survive a monkey dive rework her into a tank

Besides she always has the option of booping the monkey mid dive.

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She struggles against the thing she was designed to deal with, which is Dive characters, if i wanted a mass healing character, i’d pick Moira. This is what i feared would happen back when she got reworked, her Anti-Dive character got stripped for more healing, which doesn’t even matter anymore now since the Support lineup is all about utility now.

Honestly wished they just gave her the Anti-Dive identity back, she may have been useless Pre-222 but atleast she had a purpose, and wasn’t essentially just cannon fodder. right now she is just a worse Moira.


I would like to point out the sheer amount of buggy, wonkiness that bash’s hit box is plagued with at this moment and tell you that while I agree that there is more to support than heals, I don’t think this is as strong a selling point as you want it to be, due entirely to the fact that it’s not as reliable as it should be. I can’t tell you how many times and in how many replays I have seen my shield passing harmlessly through an ulting reaper. Oh it’s worked plenty of times, but it’s also failed plenty of times when it should have worked and sometimes those failures were at crucial moments. It really needs to be looked at. Perhaps the hitbox for bash needs to be made bigger to account for latency or something, I couldn’t begin to tell you what’s going wrong though.

I don’t see how any of this counters anything he said. All you’ve confirmed is that yes, the person who never gave up on Brig has given up. Other than you making an assumption “maybe he just got bored” which is wrong actually, because their twitter confirmed they’d given up because of the nerfs. “No longer viable” they said.

That “but” there really makes it sound like that’s what you’re saying though. :roll_eyes:


Yes, her purpose was to ruin fun of DPS. And we all know, how it ends for any support.