What % of your games feel like hopeless stomps to you?

Title- What percent of your games feel like complete rofl stomps to you? Whether you win or lose, just straight up stomp, one side was going to win, not even remotely close feeling?


don’t want to be dramatic but I def had at least 3 stomps in a row multiple times, though sometime we get stomped sometime the other team. I’d say about 75%, which also causes me to have almost no matches where someone doesn’t ragequits.

Game really need to bring more incentive back


They come and go in waves. Like I was getting decent matches all week, then today I got 6 in a row where the was nothing I could humanly do to possibly even come close to beginning to change the outcome.
I’d say around 30% of total matches I can accurately predict a loss within the first 30 seconds
Around 15% are in the “tempted to leave before you’ve even died for the first time” category of bad (I only leave midmatch on koth though, because if it’s a garbage first fight then it’s going to be 2 full rounds of garbage fights)


I would say close to 50% of the games I play feel like one sided events. I wanted to say 70-80 but I think that’s just because a close loss would be after one or two one sided losses making it feel like more due to frustration and depression. In any event it’s abysmal that Blizz is doing nothing about it.


One out of 10 games is somewhat balanced. I guess this makes it 90% stomps.


Realistically 25% a lot of my games come down to stupid plays and people not listening to coms and having trash stacks on my team.

Otherwise overwatch isn’t this big stompfest people make it out to be, that mainly only happens when I’m fighting another shot caller and don’t feel like being in vc myself.

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roughly 50% or more, most games you get in are either stomp or get stomped, maybe 1 out of 20 games are pretty balanced and the most fun tbh. feels way better to win a close game then to win a stomp. i just stoped caring anymore, if i see that my tank throws, i just pick widow and play respawn sim. still not able to derank, i litteraly chill and loose most of my games and still dont derank, funny. i would love to play in plat or low diamond again, but even if i chill, i dont get there


i have to agree , far too many one sided stomps , they are not just stomps as in easy game i mean as a support main finishing matches on 25+ elims and zero deaths and less than 1000 healing as team didnt need any heals , this is both ways winning side or losing side

as a result players leave constanty , we had a match in the week the entire team left due to being stomped before first round was over , i was only one left , backfills started round 2 , we won the next 2 rounds easily ,so something is very off with the MM for things like this to happen

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2 questions 1 who was in vc and 2 did you play your main?

Not that many losses feel completely out of my control. Less than 10% for sure.


honestly, id say about 90% of my games are stomps, either win or lose.

ive always been curious if there is a correlation to your skill or rank as a player and the rate at which games are stomps. you see some people will post their rate of totally one sided games are very low, and then youll see some experience them at a much higher rate.

there has to be a reason for that


I’d say that around 30-40% of my games are completely one sided stomps either I win or lose.

Some games I could go afk for 10 minutes and I would win anyway. Some games I feel like my impact is zero no matter how hard I try. And it feels really bad. It’s hard to find a middle ground in OW2.

Depends a lot on the time of the day though. During prime time and weekends the experience is much worse for some reason (more stacks playing would be my guess).

If they want to keep blatantly rigging the outcome of matches before they even begin so be it, but at least address the huge leaver issue we are going through by rewarding those who stay until the end of the game no matter what.

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Are y’all playing your mains (main hero) or off rolling? Cause our mains are usually meant for competitive if I put my Baptiste in a quick play lobby where people barely take it seriously of course I’m gonna dominate thats just a given even with my brain turned off.

Well, that’s the root of the problem imo. There is one thing that matchmaking can never control: which hero are you going to pick.

I think this is where OW’s matchmaking falters the most but I don’t see an easy way to solve it. I know I can play 2-3 heroes around diamond level, and the game considers that I can play the rest of the dps cast at that level even if my Hanzo or my Sombra are Wood Tier material. I’m really bad with some heroes, like really bad.

And the worst thing is that it’s hard to learn new heroes on your main account because the game expects me to play against diamond-master players right away even on my worst picks. No wonder alt accounts are a thing…

The only way to solve this would be picking your hero beforehand (kinda like Paladins) and getting rid of the switching mechanic which would be a risky move.


Any game with an Ana on the enemy team feels 100% rigged.


They’ll all be pretty balanced.

Its just less common that neither team makes mistakes, or picks a bad comp. Or both teams play equally as badly it’s even.

Depending on definition of “stomp” id say up to half of games are worthless for learning or having fun.

10% of games I could go afk and my team would win/lose without a single death.

20-30% of games have such a offmeta hero combo, that you know its a lost matchup.
( farah without hitscan counter, tank matchups, weird dps combos, lucio/zen low healing is probaly rarest)

But the other 5/10 games have some value to me.
I just close my eyes, report and wait for next.

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Till 2 tanks are back games will be always like that 90% of times

No joke, I’d say about 40% of them, I honestly don’t mind when I lose as long as it was a good game with push and shove from both sides and obviously I aim to win but I want to have fun doing so, but getting so many matches where my or the other team has 0-2 kills at best, while the other team has about 20-25 is nothing short of a joke.

It’s the fact that these matches are so weirdly common is what’s leaving my baffled, the constant stomp games one after the other to such a degree where you just know something’s clearly wrong.

I will say as well, when I’m on the team doing the stomping, I’m not doing anything special at all, sometimes I’m half relaxed because the other team can barely seem to do anything, and I don’t know if that’s because the matchmaking is just all levels of borked or if I’m playing with a 4 man pre-made or god knows what else.

I’ve got to the point where I’m now sometimes quiting those matches if I see 0-2 kills while the enemy team is on about 15, because I’ve seen too many of these games to know it’s a hopeless stomp, I’m trying to enjoy my self playing the game, not be a punching bag where I just respawn and die on repeat unable to actually play the game.


The vast majority of matches are winnable. I’d say the percentage that feel like a hopeless stomp is somewhere in the single digits. Even when one or more of your teammates is getting completely outclassed, the match generally still feels winnable.

Far more often what happens is that the winnable match feels unwinnable because of one or two little things that could easily be changed if one or more of the more players on your team would just make different choices. And in a competitive lobby you can often coach a player through those things if you are careful in your approach.

I think the reason people feel like they are in so many one-sided stomps is because they are the player on the team who needs to make one or two small adjustments, but they don’t know what those adjustments are. The difference between a competitive win/loss and a one-sided stomp is often very small.