What? No Sym was never a DPS

FWIW, the original comment on her being a DPS was from Blizzard… they only put her in Support due to the Shield Generator and Defensive aspect.


Im fine with her being a support, as long as she is not a main healer, but a utility support.


The community decided supports must heal despite blizz pushing for non-healing supports. They decided sym was a detriment and did not want to play with her shields, which recover health while no damage is taken within a few seconds. They did not see that Sym as a support needed playstyle changes and that healing your mistakes was way more important.

Sym being a dps is better for her design kit, similar to mei/sombra. She is supportive and dps. And her ult is supportive/denies damage and allows for some more situations to happen.

If they do make old sym’s kit it should be on another hero.

Her lore does not show her as a healer. She is more of an offensive support/assasin. Taking the fight close with her gadgets.


I am.

I get what you’re going for in this, but the theme behind otherwise disparate gameplay components, which have each since caused emergent gameplay quite outside that alleged theme, is just cannot be objectively defined nearly enough for this to be convincing.


They were made for that but the direction the game went, they eventually were only really good for getting TP/SG quickly. Getting TP down without dying was priority.

Again here, what they were made for and their actual usefulness are two separate things. Again, they were mainly for ult charge and concentrating damage in an area, usually a choke. Scout turrets have always been a waste of turrets. Gamesense and awareness is all you really need to see a flank incoming.

Sure. and thats kind of why sym has always been a weird hero. She’s an awkward fit in every role.

Ah yes, I remember when I used to lift my enemies’ bodies up and throw them in the void. Everyone likes when things are clean.

I agree that her gameplay was pretty much thrown out the window when players used her. It was probably a flawed concept from the start on Blizzards part. Neat idea but way too vague for execution.

She was always a utility DPS. In Overwatch, non - healing supports simply don’t work. There is too much damage and the game is too fast.

They initially tried to make her a “MOBA” support. But that doesn’t fit and they knew it. Hell, they have literally said that they could just as easily have put her in defense. And what if they did? This entire Sym support argument would literally not exist. It’s all semantics at the end of the day. They can call Rein a support, doesn’t make him one.

No heals, high damage. Honestly she’s been a dps longer than she’s been a “support” (quotes intended) at this point. Nothing holds up.

We need to focus on fixing her current kit and make her a functional dps hero. You can’t turn her into a healer without gutting her. She won’t be Sym. She’ll be a different hero with the same model.

Propose a new shielding / healing support. Sym has always been characterized by trying to claim and hold space. Tp, turrets, high potential damage beam, orbs for area denial, shielding (with the best barrier in the game, mind you). You can’t have all of that on a support kit without said support being scuffed.

Semantics. If it walks like a duck, etc. She never had the kit of a support hero by Overwatch standards.


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Not much more so than Mei, Sombra, or even Torb and Junkrat.

She’s a utility-centric DPS. She’s not exactly alone in that regard.

1.0 and 2.0 Symmetra was always a Support, she just needed some healing aspects.

Moving her to back to Support allows Symmetra to get aspects of her old kit (TP, Shield Gen) to return with changes. People felt like 3.0 stripped her of her identity. Well, this is our chance to get it back.

If it would interest anyone, I’ve made a rework proposal doing just this.


She can be a decent shield buster against double

Actually, the beam was an area-denial tool as well. The longer you stayed in Symmetra’s area, the more damage you took. And you had distractions like turrets and teleporter to take care of, preventing you from killing Symmetra easily. Her kit flowed well into one.

It did not strip her identity it actually made her get updated with the speed of the action the game was played. Obviously blizz thought people would be on the slower side with all these high cast times. I feel current sym is pretty good. The community decided supports must heal because providing merely utility wasn’t good enough. So they moved her to a better category. If we ever get a support like the old Sym it would have to be with a new hero like how they reworked torb’s old ult into Bob.

Correction Defense hero

She was Support originally back at least in 2017 era.

No, she was always a defense hero. But now defense is lumped together with offense to make DPS. So she was never a support :tipping_hand_woman:

This was true of every lesser-used hero. Lower pick rates almost always equals higher win percentage. It has more to do with statistics than hero balance.

Also, Sym is a damage monster if she isn’t very quickly focused down. It’s only her lack of mobility that keeps her from being frequently used at higher ranks and the lack of a lock-on primary is what’s keeping her from being used at lower ranks as much as she used to be.

I don’t he meant her winrate numbers I think he meant in general statistically teams with her had a higher chance

That essentially amounts to win rates, though. The number of teams who have Sym on them are the same as her pick rate and the percentage of win/loss by those teams are mostly her win rate, though it gets a little less precise when partial match credit is factored in.