What makes you unique on the forums?

I would say most people know you by your name lol

I have the Mercy All-Stars skin.

It makes me unique and EXCLUSIVE and just plain better than the normies. :blush:

Very cool!

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I can be many things.

I am a workshop user.
I center my quotes.
And most importantly, I master the html on the forums.

My username.

Itā€™s a real shame that using the colored words does funky stuff on mobile

`Enlighten me.`
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Donā€™t think Iā€™ve been active enough on forums to be recognized.

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You got me, I couldnā€™t say

Iā€™d say I see you pretty often. You commented on my last post asking about trust levels. Still donā€™t know how to check, thoughā€¦

Hating doomfist?
Being negative?
Hmm, nah nothing special here it seems. Those are common stuff here i guessing. So im just typical user here.

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I post checkboxes. :white_check_mark:


I get into prolonged arguments over things that shouldnā€™t even be up for debate.

I have green text.


Well, canā€™t argue with that one

People hate me i have had a post flagged in 20 minutes


I donā€™t think I have something like that tbh.

I exist. Thatā€™s about it.

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Was about to say my name, but then I remembered OPā€™s name

Nvm, I guess


You used to. However, they gutted emojis and they are nerfed to unplayable levels.

Hulk showed us that they were too meta.

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Your user name is actually pretty common. I saw an Anxiety and a Depression duo in a match earlier today.