What Makes Up MMR?

  1. They’re not supposed to be doing it. We’re also 3.5 years into this game, and they’re not inclined to scrutinize the hell out of those incidents because most people at those ranks don’t do it and those that did don’t do it anymore, but you should still report those that illegally obtain a Bronze account for those purposes.

  2. I didn’t mean to say that streak bonuses/penalties are completely dead, but they’re definitely not what they were when it only took like 6 or less games in a row for streak bonuses to take massive effects.

  3. IDDQD attempted it at the beginning of Season 3. Jeff made that post in Season 4.

SR and MMR have different adjustment criterion. Saying one chases the other is in general true during the more volatile calibration phase, beyond which a lot of stuff Kawumbaa says goes out the window. He’s not an expert, stop listening to him.

SR adjustment criterion: +/- 25 sr (on average, with some pbsr). MMR adjustment criterion: all kinds of hidden pudding. We know the relative sensitivity of SR changes - you win, draw, lose and you go up/down/null. But we don’t know the relative sensitivity of MMR changes. It’s based on too many factors and is 100% hidden.

Because the two components have different adjustment criterion, it stands to reason there are no guarantees on convergence. In fact, they are mathematically almost surely going find different assymptotes of convergence.

What does that mean? You can have an old account with bad win rate and low sr, but with consistently high performing hidden factors, resulting in a relatively stiff and inflexible hidden mmr (perhaps way above the current rank). Your basin of attraction might be bronze but with smurflike mmr, meaning you are expected to perform way above your pay grade.

This seems unfair and is but one factor in calls for a total reset.

You can just say ‘i cant prove it’ thats fine.

You’re the one that needs to prove your statement of “you can have GM MMR but Bronze SR”. All I did was explain why your IDDQD example was wrong and where you misinterpreted Jeff’s statement, plus showed you examples of fresh placements hitting near GM which would clearly lead to Jeff’s statement of getting to GM in 15 games when you count placements and 5 more matches after that, provided that account wins them all.

oh, so videos from season 3 2017 time frame back when we had win streak bonuses … that is proof and relevant for today?


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Same with that quote you posted from Jeff. Jeff’s quote is not relevant today. He posted that in 2017, back when it was possible and as you can see, rather easy for them to do.

Even then, your example of IDDQD’s smurf having GM MMR and Bronze SR does not hold, because you don’t gain MMR on a loss. MMR, first and foremost, is your actual standing compared to the rest of the playerbase. ALL Bronze accounts have Bronze MMR, all Silver accounts have Silver MMR, etc. The only time it ever disconnected was on inactivity decay, and that doesn’t exist anymore.

Streaks are gone, we know that due to official posted patch notes. We have nothing to go off that suggests MMR was changed at any point in time to account for this or 2-2-2. Nor has Jeff commented on how smurfs/alt accounts are or aren’t impacting the game at the moment.