What kind of skill do you hope a future Hero will have?

I tried to search and all the posts like this were from 2018 - 2020, so I hope I’m not missing a newer one. :sweat_smile:

From MMORPGs like World of Warcraft to other FPS like Valorant to MOBAs like League of Legends, we have characters who can Fear their enemies! I would love this on Overwatch and since one of my favorite hobbies is finding new methods of pulling / pushing people off high places, I can imagine that would be extra fun. XD

But really, imagine a good Fear, especially on a control point map or when you’re caught 1v1. I hope we’ll see this in the future!

The ability to give players awareness greater than that of a lobotomized sloth.

damage over time that increases when they damage you

A “recon”/“sensory” support.

Utility based around preventing flanks through intel rather than brigs strategy of soft CC and longevity (and support role needs more anti flanker options than just run away or pray you are saved)

So for example, a function like hanzos arrow or syms turrets minus the damage would be pretty neat. But of course I’m line with whatever abilities this new support has.

To prevent them from being very “afk support”, whatever their primary heal is should be aim dependent (but not the same) like illaris beam or Ana/bap, so they can’t heal/dps at the same time as netting recon value which could feel frustrating.

For simplicity sake let’s call this hero “recon”.

Primary heal- biotic adapter- shoots and attaches an adapter (akin to a taser) to their team mate- must land or you suffer a retract animation before being able to relaunch. Charges the team mate with bio energy, healing them for 70 hp per second. There is an energy battery magazine that runs out after 4 seconds. You simply reload to recharge. Has about 20 meter range, meaning you’re fairly mid range.

Secondary- electro adapter- attach your adapter to an enemy instead and inflict 70 dps consistently. It can stay linked for the same amount of time as biotic adapter but again you suffer an animation for missing. You cannot use 2 adapters at once so you cannot heal AND damage, but if you retract either early, you do not need to reload to switch to the OTHER adapter. They don’t charge a battery.

Ability 1: bi-neural sonar- using tech similar to lucios, an area wide scanning object is placed that detects hostile enemies by highlighting them IF they have line of sight to the construct. It also amplifies enemy footstep sounds within range REGARDLESS of line of sight. It DOES reveal stealth enemy footsteps (in air enemies, sombra while invisible, a whooshing sound if you are jumping into the range like lucio or Moira might, and fade/shadow step as well) and it will reveal sombra partially if she’s in range.

The construct lasts 15 seconds and has a 15 second cooldown. It has 200 hp but virus will destroy it instantly.

Ability 2: overcharge- utilize battery to supply yourself with Biotic energy, regenerating 40 hps to yourself while moving 50% faster for the duration- an escape centric ability that is helpful but won’t get you out for free. You need to use your sonar properly as well to fully avoid flanks. Duration is 4.5 seconds and has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Ult- I ran out of time so teehee shield generator, maybe I’ll add later.

One dev lurking here like “plz someone has to have ideas”


Fear would be cool! We need more evil in the roster mwahaha.

I’ve always envisioned a Mirror Image, like Mages, Orc Blademasters, or Monk Windwalkers do in WoW. Create a replica of yourself that mimics or performs yor moves at less magnitude.

But my favorite “build a hero” I’ve ever seen was a “Beastmaster”. He was omnic, too, which is so cool to me; his backstory was similar to Bastion in which he awoken during the crisis and felt the calling of nature over conflict. He attuned to the creatures fostered a relationship with them.

If it could work, I think it would be dope to have someone with a beast companion. If I remember, one move was using his hawk that travels in a straight line revealing hidden enemies and pecking/disrupting the first enemy it comes in contact with, which applies a small bleed dot. He had a main Panther or big cat companion that can be controlled with “stay and guard here”, “sick 'em”, or “revive pet”. And I forget the rest. Junkrat has a trap; Hanzo has bow and scouting capabilities. He’d have to find a niche somewhere!

Not an ability per se, but maybe make a tank with an autocannon that shoots proxy fuse shells. The explosions can have a cone where it does full damage and the rest of the blast radius does like half damage. That way, it’ll still incentivize aim while still being able to pressure fliers from the tank slot.

Lock on Missles.
I want to see players rage and quit the game.

lol you think its just one? I imagine half their design team sits around drooling looking to take ideas. I suggested a jump pack hero/platform hero two years ago to help team mates get to high grounds… Also suggested tigers fury gives you energy back in classic tbc 16 years ago, on blizzard forums… Both of these are now in both games. Tf, felt like an achievement, like "omg thats my idea in a game i suggested :open_mouth: ", LW, kind of feels like idea theft but i put it up on an open forum, what can you do.

They will take your ideas and give you zero credit. Gave me the confidence to take my ideas to places where people pay for them.

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I always wanted a banish.