What it's like playing competitive as a girl

now, now, i think what you’re all thinking. big eye rolls, all the stuff of ’ girls are complaining again ’ or ’ you’re just mad because your rank is bad / you’re boosted ’ etc etc etc and like. first of all, get new material. i’ve heard that stuff dozens of times. i’ve been called cruel things plenty of times in this game.

but in all honesty, it’s not safe playing this game, qp or comp, as a girl. at all. period. i tend to be silent, because if i speak, its distracting, apparently, because some people have never heard a woman speak once in their life. so there’s that.

aside from the copious amounts of marriage proposals, being told that we’re going to lose because i’m on the team, being told it’s typical that i play mercy ( trust me, the hours i have on her are not willing. nobody ever wants to play healer. ever. ) i’ve noticed something. something very irritating, something that causes the team to lose, and it isn’t actually my fault.

i’m ignored.

i give a suggestion, i say, hey, our genji is being hardcountered by winston and moira, let’s drop that and get, i dont know, a reaper ? better dps ? something along those lines ?

and i’m ignored.

i say hey, let’s go around back, or topside, let’s flank, they won’t expect it, and everybody doesn’t listen. they ignore me. i ask for help, if i’m healing, and my team turns their back on me, because the only thing that matters is DPS-ing, getting gold medals in everything, not being a team and helping your mates, that doesn’t matter. i don’t think it ever did in this game.

the community isn’t entirely terrible, that’s not what i’m saying. i have to play with friends in order to be listened to. SEVERAL of my dude friends have noted that i get totally ignored. they repeat what i say, and they’re listened to. they aren’t really happy about it either, tbh.

the game is fun, it’s great, i’ve played it a lot, i’ve poured so much time and energy into it, i’ve made some incredible friendships because of this game, but… the community is what’s ruined it.

i know blizzard has been cracking down on the toxic people, the ones who cheat, the ones who are incredibly nasty, but i don’t even know what to peg this down as, other than just, plain 'ole misogyny.

they hear a girl’s voice, they trash talk the girl, they ignore the girl, call her names, say they’ll lose because she’s on the team, give death threats, shoot around derogatory language.

do you know why ? genuine question. this’ll be on the pop quiz.

anyway, this is more of a vent than anything, but i’m just gonna uninstall overwatch for good. i’ve wasted too much time on this game and since the community is very very stuck up and VERY VERY entitled, i won’t waste my time.

and before anybody jumps on the boat of " IM not like that, " or " not everybody is like that " or whatever, i know that. if everybody was like that in this community, i’d have never made any friends, first of all. and second of all, i’d have never begun playing it in the first place. you know ?

anyway, rant over. pick and choose, mull over this or jump to conclusions, i don’t really care. i’m just tired, yknow ? i’m too scared to talk in voice chat anymore. i don’t want to be called nasty things or treated poorly or told that i did nothing for the team because of one simple mistake, and if i ever get angry i’m immediately pegged as a, you know, the typical insult that’s thrown around.

i kinda want my money back too lmao.

peace :v:


im sorry for all that go through this, not just girls but even guys, everyone hates toxic people but i hope people respec ALL people not just guys


Some people feel like they’re better than others… which is especially stupid in a video game of all things.
That sucks though… I almost never have any female players on my team either.


i almost never use my mic in pure fear of it all, dude. which means i gotta type out my stuff, say whos flanking, and it’s usually too late anyway. it sucks hardcore.


I’m not a girl, but I used to play comp with one because she wanted a tank main to duo, I don’t know how things are on the NA servers but here on the SA they just treated her like any other person on the team.


i mean im in a high rank but i also have a very squeaky voice, no one seems to care or notice sometimes

it is the WORST in the NA servers, honestly. i’d switch if it didn’t mess with my ping so badly


I think it’s just the type of people that inhabit FPS or other games of a similar style. This genre attracts scum (sorry to the non-scummy people), In other games I’ve played, I’ve never seen women getting so much crap, at least not on such a frequent level.


i’m sure you’re right, tbh. i’ve played a few other FPS games and never really faced so much crap, but it’s a whole 'nother level on overwatch.

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Lol, I would switch to NA if my ping didn’t mess up so badly, I don’t know how to say this, like, I love my country despite our government doing everything wrong (Brazil), I love my culture,etc. but for whatever reason I always found the people here in Brazil a bit annoying, when I get randomly put on the NA servers I always end up finding people that play more seriously.

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Competitive is toxic for all of us. I had to go through 4 seasons of pure hell just to get my golden Doomfist.

I remember back in season 8 on Hanamura, someone picked Torb on defense… On defense and then my team was yelling at him because they said he was trolling. During the match, our Torb was trying his best and he was getting kills and still my team is yelling at him to switch off.

Competitive is just a place that’s full of toxic waste. I ain’t never touching it again


god i wish that were me. the serious players, at least. our government isn’t so hot in america either tho, ngl. but that’s beside the point; depending on the elo, hell yeah you’ll find serious players. but, again, that’s super dependent on the elo. i’m stuck in mid plat, and nobody cares there, apparently.

This is why I play tank. I get to dictate the flow of the match, and where we go, male or female it dosen’t matter, The team goes where the tanks go.

or at least they should… doesn’t stop genju from trying to 6v1 the enemy team sometimes


i know, honestly. even in QP though too, like. dang. chill out dude. ive had people throw because i picked an abnormal hero, so suddenly you got hanzo widowmaker and torb and symm, no healers, no tanks, just angry people who’ll complain about it. and i’ve had so many complain about it, too, like, let me play ! i bought this damn game ! i’m here for fun !


You shouldn’t avoid speaking on voice on competitive for stupid reasons, I played plenty of competitive and have heard many females speaking and it helps the team alot 'cause they aren’t doing anything bad or trolling. just block trolls, easy peasy

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i want to play tank so bad !!! but the instalocks on dps is just… it gives me whiplash. so many times i have to solo heal, so many times i have to beg for tanks and another healer, and it drives me mad.


Yeah, right at the beginning of 2017 or something like that I had a bug where I got stuck on NA servers for almost an entire month, I never climbed so fast out of Plat, it always takes me ages to get hit diamond here, mostly because we barely have communication here, most matches that we talk on the mic includes at least 5 of the 6 people on the team to be speaking on the same language, be it spanish or portuguese, otherwise no one talks at all.

While I agree this is a problem being a girl myself, I can also confirm you’re just having a spout of bad luck. I’ve had these issues and bad people like this, mute, block, report. Sometimes you have to take a loss, it sucks but a lot of stuff would happen if you were a guy too. They use the girl thing to pick on you but stuff like being ignored also happens to guy players. Some teammates don’t care.

Also don’t play Mercy if you don’t want to. Someone Will pick up healer, if not take a loss, build up your hours on who you want to play, and then they wont ask you to play healer…

Also you do have to realize the “guy humor” vs actually being mean too. If their abusing you and stuff in VC report them (blizz does actually record the VC when you report, had officals tell me when I made posts about this.) And reporting does work, recently I haven’t ran into much if any toxic guys while playing in comp. I’ve even been picked up by groups of guys because they respect me as a player and wanted my skill to help win some matches.

By guy humor though is yes, they will make pokes at you about being a healer or being mercy, they will say stuff like “will you marry me” or stuff like that. You have to play along, get on their good side and they actually stop with that during the match and start treating your normal. “Oh of course I play mercy, we all know if we want to win a woman has to pick up the slack.” You play back and they back off a bit, a lot of guys are actually on edge/offended because they feel threatened a girl is here and could do better then them. Just be nice and friendly and you’ll be fine.

Best of luck in your future matches, and Blizzard is working to crack down on this problem + I’ve seen women be mean too, had a game with 1 guy and all girls and they were just ragging on this poor boy, I felt so bad for him and the woman who was harassing him the most was saying some really nasty stuff. She was also rude to me too because I was defending him, I of course reported her but keep in mind a lot of the time its a two way street and is just toxic players in general, and not actually a gender issue. Guys will also harass other guys if someone isnt preforming up to par. Toxicity is the issue here.

Report, mute, block. Have fun, win games. You can’t win them all but don’t give up.

Have a nice day. :smiley:


what reason is there to try to communicate if everybody ignores you, though ? and good for those girls, i’m glad for them, but they’ve undoubtedly had their terrible experiences more than once. ask them, see what they say. it’s way too common.


Aughhh. This is child’s play compared to what i face. I am 12 year old boy: So typically ‘‘Go back to roblox cuss Kid’’ ‘‘Cuss lesbian 12 year old’’ ‘‘Go KYS’’ Of course pretty sure getiing ignored in comp isn’t a gender problem, It is a [removed expletive] problem. Man i wish i was ignored in my games

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