What it feels like to be a Widowmaker main

Can you expound upon this?

I donā€™t particularly care about your grievances as a widowmaker main, given that the absolute worst thing to experience in this game, is being on the opposite team as a good widowmaker.

I donā€™t see how anyone should expect to be given victories simply because they put 300 hours into playing a ā€œskillfulā€ hero.

You canā€™t be rational and prioritize your own personal experience by maining a certain hero and then expect others not to prioritize their own personal experience over yours.

Remove the damage charge. Remove SMG.

Turn it into a bolt action sniper rifle with a fixed amount of damage with the ability to noscope. Between 80-125 damage for bodyshots, 250-300+ damage for headshots. Reduce her fire-rate overall. Even lower her health to 150 HP.

Basically, give her the Scout from CS:GO.

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Generally speaking widows/snipers in all games are the sort of people I donā€™t want in my team or any team for that matter. Sit in a hidey hole and keep shooting until you hit something. Would rather sit and snipe people running out of the spawn despite the payload about to cap. That is the best thing about this game is there are heroes that can dive her almost instantly as opposed to other games. This should never be changed.

That makes her so OP at high levels. If you can consistently land quick scopes (high masters and GM can) sheā€™ll totally wipe teams.

Sheā€™s balanced by having to be a sitting duck while she scopes in and charges. If she can just jump around and quick scope, all of her non - tank counters get wrecked by her.

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Hanzo can already do this and nobody complains about him.

Hanzo also has charge time and a mobility debuff while charging. Hanzo literally doesnā€™t do this.

Uh Widow has a longer charge time and sheā€™s scoped in which makes her slower. Hanzo isnā€™t scoped in and can still jump around and wall climb while staying fully charged. It also doesnā€™t take him nearly as long to draw back an arrow and fire. Why do you think heā€™s able to spam so many arrows?

Yes he has a quicker charge time, but heā€™s shooting projectiles, not a hitscan.

He can jump but his move speed is reduced.

This is very different from being able to quick scope in, dink a Tracer diving you, and scope out with no charge time or time as a sitting duck.

Only reason why Widow isnā€™t truly obsolete at the pro level is because they havenā€™t found a way to make Dive non meta. Once Dive is non meta and the shields come back, Widow will be even worse than where she is now.

Even Hanzo is getting looked at because of the possible shield meta and scatter was a gimmick. Possible triple/quad tank meta is the reason Ana (another sniper in need of serious help, especially on console) isnā€™t getting looked at all.

People are scared of the OSK and have pre-conceived notionsā€¦ It is going to be hard to convince people that her kit, movement and bugs are all horribleā€¦ All because people are like ā€œThe pros use her so she must be fineā€

The pros use ANYONEā€¦ they have even on rare occasions pulled out Torbs, Bastions, Meiā€™s, and Doomfist before the bugsā€¦ The only character that I just mentioned that is getting ignored currently is Bastion.

People, pros included are afraid of the status quo being shaken upā€¦ We still can fight the good fight but itā€™s going to be an uphill battle

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Which makes him deadlier at mid-range because part of the collision box of the arrow just has to nick part of the collision box of the character model for it to count as a hit. He doesnā€™t have to be as accurate as Widow. Heā€™s only inconsistent at further ranges which will be fixed with his rework (faster arrows).

And his move speed isnā€™t reduced by much compared to Widow who moves like a snail when scoped in.

The quick scope still requires aiming and is harder to do at close range. Even Kephrii canā€™t consistently hit Tracerā€™s in the face when theyā€™re right on top of him. Plus the guy who suggested the change recommended lowering her damage. Which is exactly how Hanzo is now. 80-125 for body shots. Hanzo already does exactly what heā€™s proposing minus the reduced fire-rate only difference is projectile versus hit scan. But I forgot itā€™s only op if Widow does it.

Dude, you donā€™t even play comp. I donā€™t think you really have a feel for this game.

And his move speed isnā€™t reduced by much compared to Widow who moves like a snail when scoped in.

Itā€™s reduced by enough to make him a easy target for a genji combo or tracer 1 clip if he misses the shot. Widow being able to jump quick scope does not have that same quality.

Plus the guy who suggested the change recommended lowering her damage.

No heā€™s not , he suggested 80-125 for body shots, which is what she does now, and 250-300+ which is potentially more then she does now.

WM simply doesnā€™t need it. Sheā€™s meta at high levels of play. I see her (and play her) all the time.

Why are you trying to delete Widow from the game?

What does me playing comp have to do with anything? I still have access to and play all the same heroes you do. I donā€™t play comp because I donā€™t have time to keep up with it. Quick play is simply easier.

Widow is an easy target for those heroes too. How do you know what quality the jump quick scope will have for her? People are so quick to shut something down. Hanzo is getting a new movement mobility in addition to his wall climb and will still not have to scope in and can jump while firing arrows. When he shoots he also doesnā€™t leave a giant red line that points back to him. Widow being able to quick scope isnā€™t going to break the game.

Well same damage but reduced fire-rate which means less damage over all anyway. For the record I donā€™t agree with most of his suggestions I just find it funny how people get up in arms when you even suggest a change to Widow as if she can no longer be touched ever again or the game will explode. I personally think they should rework her ultimate, give her two venom mines or make it so that the venom mine transfers health to her and decrease the spread on her assault rifle and sheā€™ll be perfect.

And just because you see/play a character doesnā€™t mean that character is in a good spot. Widow and McCree are both on the verge of ending up in the gutter.

I donā€™t think you have a good feel for balance if you donā€™t play comp. Itā€™s the same reason I think itā€™s too early for people to call for buffs or nerfs for Bridgette. Comps are ridiculous in QP and people donā€™t play seriously. I donā€™t think you get a good feel for how a hero operates in real teams with real comps on both sides in QP.

Widow is an easy target for those heroes too. How do you know what quality the jump quick scope will have for her?

Yes she is an easy target for them. But with the quick jump scope she wouldnā€™t be. Thatā€™s my point. I know because I play her. Itā€™s very easy to hit a quick scope crit. You donā€™t see people do it because it does 35-50 dmg and isnā€™t effective.

Widow being able to quick scope isnā€™t going to break the game.

In bronze - diamond youā€™re probably right, it wonā€™t. But my original point was that there isnā€™t a way to make her feel consistent and powerful at those levels which wouldnā€™t make her incredibly OP in high masters and GM. This is an example of a change that would make her incredibly OP in high masters and GM.

Hitscans who are 3800+ can hit those quick scopes very reliably. It would take away most of her counters and make her crazy OP at the highest levels.

Hitting a quick scope crit still requires hitting a head shot. Are you saying hitting a head shot with Widow is easy now?

Well I just suggested other changes that would help make her more consistent like an updated ultimate, multiple venom mines, a venom mine that transfers health to her so she wouldnā€™t necessary need a pocket Mercy and reduced spread on her assault rifle. Are you saying that changes like that will make her op? It sounds like you just donā€™t want her to be changed in anyway.

Itā€™s not easy, but itā€™s not all that hard. What makes Widow hard is she has to be so vulnerable to get her picks. Quick scoping takes away her only drawback.

I donā€™t think the buffs you mentioned would make her crazy OP. The quick scope buff we where talking about earlier would make her absurdly OP. I just donā€™t know why you need the buffs you just suggested. Sheā€™s balanced and meta. I see her in most of my hybrid and payload maps, and many of my 2 CP maps. I donā€™t think you need to buff a hero like that.

Not all heros need to be viable at all times. In a game with a variety of maps, game types and 27 and growing heros, itā€™s ok for some of them to be situational.

No what makes her hard is her kit. Tracer has to be vulnerable to get picks too but she has plenty of tools to help her out when she gets in trouble. Widow doesnā€™t have that luxury which is why she often needs a pocket healer and a team willing to peel for her. In addition she canā€™t do anything when half the enemy team stands there with shields and bubbles and resurrections which makes her job 1000x harder. All the armor being thrown around in the game is lowering her damage potential too.

Sure sheā€™s somewhat viable now but it wonā€™t take much for her to become unplayable. Sheā€™s the only hero that can OSK from long range. Thatā€™s the only reason sheā€™s still used but sheā€™s losing power with every new hero added which means sheā€™ll need a buff of some sort to keep up. As the game evolves Widow will need to as well. She canā€™t stay the same way forever.

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Sheā€™s not somewhat viable now. Sheā€™s full on meta. I canā€™t tell you the last game I had on Junkertown or Kings Row or Temple of Anubis where I didnā€™t see her.

Sheā€™s got incredible burst dmg, and can position herself in places that are hard for most heros to reach her, and force the enemy to go through her team. On top of this she has great escape capabilities.

She is one of the heros least affected by armor. A dink from a widow does 295 dmg vs 300 dmg. This is a 1.7% dmg reduction. Tracer loses 50%.