What it feels like to be a Widowmaker main

You keep writing me novels, but I ain’t gonna read through them -.-’ . When will you realize that?

Yes, she IS difficult, that’s the point of her lol. Again, speaking from my own experience, a good Widow can be extremely oppressive. If there’s anybody to blame here, it’s the devs who designed the game. You cannot change people, I can’t stress this enough.

If you get teammates who aren’t willing to build around you, it’s kind of understandable to a certain degree. They don’t know you, it’s a big risk in their eyes. Not to mention their past experiences with horrible Widows that refuse to switch no matter what, or give false promises like the usual “if it don’t work I switch, guys” , but then never following up on that promise after they failed to get any elims or contribute in an impactful way.

It also matters which map it is, at which phase the map is, and what the enemies are running. Widow isn’t supposed to be good in every situation. If they buffed Widow, they’d quite possibly create a monster.

If you’d just read, you’d realize that every single statement you’ve made is addressed wholeheartedly in response. And you would stop having to repeat yourself every time I respond to you.

Take 5 minutes out of your day, and realize you’re not on the same page as me. I get what you’re saying, but you don’t understand what I’m saying.

And if you continue to ignore me, then fine. But you’re feeding into the problem that OP pointed out, in that your attitude is tired, expected, and childish

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I don’t see how I’m feeding into the problem. I’m not the one yelling at Widows to switch when they’re doing well. I also don’t tell them to switch if their pick is justified and they can back it up with previous skill shown in time played and general stats.

But it’s usually difficult to gauge a Widow player correctly, before, during and even after a match, unless you’re a spectator.

Do you have a solution? And no, buffing her isn’t one. The stigma is already heavily stamped into the skin. For the record, I did read. When did the pros say Widow needed a buff? Back in S3 maybe? I see pros using her all the time .

If anything, a change in meta might indirectly buff her, but direct buffs shouldn’t happen imo. I could be ok with some small QoL changes, but nothing major.

Honestly, though, with 300 hours behind OP’s back and still struggling with her, it might just be time to broaden the horizon and learn other heroes, too.

If I could help it, I’d play my favourite heroes all the time, but that’s not possible, and I accepted that. This game is built around switching. You adapt. You bend or you break (and break your team with you).

Widow player: 70% accuracy for the first 2 points of the game, with lots of headshots
Loses 1 team fight
Team: I’m throwing, report Widow, what a troll.


Saying you’re not part of the problem, and then demonstrating that you are the problem, is not conducive to conversation.

Bugfix her.
Rework her.
Reduce the skill floor.

Buffing her is the solution. Just not in the ways that everyone expects.

I don’t have the clips because Twitch’s VODs are auto-deleted nowadays, but right on the heels of S3-S6, pros would chime in and say their two thoughts.

It always went 1 of 2 ways;

  • Don’t touch her. Make it harder for her counters.
  • I’d like to see a buff, but I can’t imagine any buff that wouldn’t make her overpowered in GM.

They’re cognizant of protecting their pro play, so they couldn’t objectively come up with a good buff that would be justified.

Blizzard has an allergy to addressing Widow. They only do it when it’s too little too late, and most of the time not at all publicly.

Since Overwatch League started, pros stopped talking about her because they got Single-Rez Valkyrie Mercy. Pros began to use her more frequently because undoing Widow’s opening picks is huge, and Rezzing Widow to keep picking off enemies is also huge. Because they’re at the highest tier of play, this is enough.

But OWL usage does not reflect “balance”, because they have a meta-game where they’re in a sealed environment. Their game is drastically different from the ladder, so for them Mercy’s changes indirectly buffs Widow enough to force the other team to avoid using heroes entirely – no Pharah/Reaper/Mei/Hanzo/Torbjorn/Symmetra.

It doesn’t accurately represent the game’s population and use-case scenarios. Pocket healing doesn’t exist in the ladder except in 6-stacks and at Grandmaster.

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You haven’t demonstrated how I’m part of the problem. So lemme get this straight. Just because I’m not a big fan of the thought of her getting buffs? That’s just my opinion. I think she’s fine. Maybe she’s not great, but why does she need to be? People also call Mei a throw pick usually, when she can be incredible when in the right hands and used in the right situation. Does she need buffs? The QoL changes she got I’m ok with. And now she’s getting more pretty good buffs, despite already being good, only under and misused. She is niche , but Jeff said that’s cool.

Widow is the only very high skill hero in the game. More heroes should be like her, not the other way around…

See the following.

It’s not rocket science. You’ll see it if you look close enough.

If you have to ask this for any hero, when all heroes deserve to be great (and some of them are great without any inkling of being knocked down a peg or two) then you’re asking for trouble.

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I’m okay with high-skill high-reward, but given that Blizzard has not shown any intention of making others heroes like Widow, and only continues to make everyone’s skill floor lower, we’re kinda beyond that.

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There’s PLENTY of other games. People like YOU don’t care enough to look at them as they’re “beneath you” or something else stupid.

TF2 is fun.

Paladins is also an option.

Both are more complex and Paladins is more Balanced (I’m not gonna talk about TF2’s balance till the Heavy Update…see y’all in a year or so!)

TF2 is at an all time low retention rate, with even the most dedicated players jumping ship and saying that TF2 is dropping in quality.

Paladins is going the way of Battle Royale, and the community got wind of Hi-Rez throwing a lot more micro-transactions which will slowly milk it dry.

For what Overwatch offers, the only other two games that offer the same sort of team-based experience are CS:GO and Rainbow Six: Siege.


This is the quote of a person who knows only what he’s been told and hasn’t been told much. You don’t appear to know too much about what’s actually happening in those games.

ESPECIALLY Paladins though. Which essentially dropped the battle royale and also became more consumer friendly by killing off the Pay to win card system that killed creativity! (But, what do I know? I’ve only played it 500 hours compared to…your 5 minutes of research on it.)

So…no solution. Didn’t think so.

Exactly this ^

Widowmaker is a hero that can be seen as very overpowered in the right hands. Her kit is such that she specifically MUST be balanced around the highest ranks.

Widow isn’t even meta in GM or among pros.

The best characters in every single Fighting Game eSport known to man get balanced below the highest ranks.

The best characters in League of Legends get balanced at Platinum level instead of Challenger.

Your information from being a Paladins player isn’t actually valuable for someone looking for an alternative to Overwatch.

For that player who would leave Overwatch, and has no knowledge or investment into Paladins, the 5 minutes of research is the one that matters.

The fact that they made a Battle Royale mode means their development time is split. The microtransactions, in the wake of Battlefront 2 and Destiny 2 being utter disappoints DUE to those microtransactions, are a turn off.

The game could be 10 times more balanced than Overwatch, and it’d still never be enticing enough for an Overwatch player to consider it, because it has too much baggage with those two points alone.

  • Lawbreakers and Battleborn have bad reputations too. No one is jumping ship for those games.

Pretty much the only game worth jumping away from Overwatch is Quake Champions. Which from closed beta testing, is actually way too divergent from Overwatch to the point where everything is too fast. (Great for old Quake players, terrible for an Overwatch player looking for other games).

The devs could at least give Widomaker two venom mines though, that would really help her. Just a suggestion. :man_shrugging:

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Are you aware that when you write posts like this people can see you on overbuff and look at all your play session stats ? as of now 4:01pm PST i’m seeing a negative winrate in all roles under your profile, it may be different now, and a lot different heroes being played.

try locking down a certain role and focusing on it rather than stretching yourself thin, i used to be guilty of this too, best of luck.


No, I’m talking about you unwittingly contributing to the problem.

I have plenty of solution ideas that I’ve proposed in several other threads. To which, you’ve already self-admitted that you don’t read long posts, so there’s no point in me crosslinking them.

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You’re not all that wrong…but the issue is you don’t even have CURRENT information on the game. How can I trust a person who hasn’t looked at the game for months?

Cause they have no playerbase…? They’re both primarily online only games with no one playing them. It’s not necessarily because they’re bad games.

I can’t remember a single person saying either of those games PLAYED badly. They just had no playerbase due to lack of advertising or poor judgment on releasing.

You’re still that problem I keep talking about “Nothing’s as great as Overwatch. Despite there being a couple of games that could actually contest Overwatch. Since they had some missteps …they don’t deserve my time. Despite them correcting their ways and being FREE TO PLAY.”

Not quite. I find people who spend a ton of time in a game can either be the game’s greatest critics or the game’s biggest defenders (Typically when it comes to the internet…unless they’re getting payed, it’s the former.) Either way, I find their voices important in deciding to play a game. They ultimately know more about that franchise/game than I do and could probably shed some useful light upon it.