What it feels like to be a Widowmaker main

Then ask somebody to go Junkrat and wreck the barriers. Or Sombra. Widow actually makes Zarya’s life miserable. Sym…? Wut… How does Sym counter you? Winston needs to make a very risky move to dive you. And guess what? You can easily get away lol.


Just get good at widowmaker and learn to swap, she doesn’t need any buff or change

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I’ll suggest to you what I suggest to everyone who one tricks a hero to such a degree.

Play some other heroes.

And I don’t mean that condescendingly.

I mean seriously- go invest in some time in other heroes.

Getting first hand experience on a hero is the best way to see how easy or hard they actually have it. You’ll get to see with your own eyes what does and doesn’t counter them. Learn how to handle those situations.

And everything you learn about playing as those heroes- improves your knowledge in how to play against those heroes.

My hours on tracer and Genji? It’s not because I like these two. It’s because I want to see first hand how I can give them a hard time.

And you’ll quickly find there’s situations where evey hero can give just about any other hero a hard time under the rift circumstances. Learning those circumstances let’s you exploit them more reliably against them.

This goes until we see the impact of Brigitte. We still do not know if she will be able to “replace” Zen effectively, but she’s got a kit which punishes even more a bodyshot. The only way to kill brigitte as widow is to flank her right now, since her dmg output is below average against shields.

About the power creep: This occurs whenever a hero is balanced and then becomes UP just because of minor changes (not buffs). Widowmaker’s mine is undeniably one of the worst skills in the game from the very beginning. From bronze to top 500 widows just throw it for the sake of not holding it. Nobody expects to get a kill (offensively), because of the mine. If she gets, it’s considered an “extra”. Using the mine defensively for flanking roots rarely will save your life, because at that moment both of you know that widow can see you, so the flanker adjusts to that. I have seen deflect headshots from Genjis in streaming, just because they knew widow was watching them and they pressed deflect when they stepped out of the corner. Tracers can recall and negate the wallhack effect/dmg and at GM even wallhack does not save you in a face to face 1v1.

Edit: I don’t claim that widow is a free kill, but 90% it’s irrelevant to the mine. Widow can kill a tracer with mine + rifle but a good tracer will just one-clip you because of your easy headshot model.

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I don’t disagree with much you said there, but the issue is that the vast majority of WM’s impact comes from (and should always come from) her landing scoped shots. Yeah you could make some tweaks to venom mine, but that ability will always account for <5% of WMs impact in a game. So even if you made it 2x more effective (a massive buff for an ability) you’re only increasing her power to 110% of current state.

Given that WM is already meta and just fine in GM, that’s creating power creep.

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The thing is, it’s not just those top 1% who can be effective with her. Even the bottom 1% has a decent effect, because the enemies they face are also the bottom 1% . Granted, this balancing effect isn’t as strong as in other heroes’ cases, but it’s there. A bronze opponent will stay in the open longer, won’t pressure you as much, won’t switch, etc.

And if you want my opinion, if you want to snipe in a multiplayer game and jerk off on your aim, go to Counter Strike

To me it sounds like you want to make it like no other hero can get to you, while your shot damage is buffed, and you’d like your bullets to go through all shields, or just shields removed all together. The hysterical part about this is that you are actually serious.

If you are an actual Widow main. I suggest you instead either switch off Widow and play something more reliable, as you said that you have no skill in video games. Its not the team’s fault for making you salty, its yourself. You are the one choosing Widow which as said above you have basically none in.

My recommendation for you is to play 76, or Mccree, learn how to headshot and position yourself then come back to Widow. Widow is too difficult for you to get good at overnight as she highly requires on positioning.

Rein :

  • Bastion
  • Pharah
  • Sombra
  • Tracer
  • Good genji
  • Reaper
  • Dva
  • Junk

Already with rein you are wrong. But it’s not over…

Winston :

  • Junkrat
  • Mei
  • Rein
  • Reaper
  • Roadhog
  • Bastion
  • Maybe Brigitte

Winston have 7 possible heros counters. But keep on !

Orisa :

  • Genji
  • Junk
  • Tracer
  • Dva
  • Reaper

And i think i didn’t say all of her possible counters. Now, with Sym !

  • Good doomfist (i often kill her with my punch skill)
  • Winston
  • Rein
  • Mei
  • Pharah

And i don’t think it’s just her only possible counters. But, the better, the " best spaming hero " (omg… its just ironic) : Genji !

Genji :

  • Winston
  • Sym
  • Moira
  • Rein if he is better than genji
  • Mei
  • Zarya
  • Brigitte

Oh, a skilled hero with 7 counters !

So you are really wrong.

Now, the WM counters :wink:
WM :

  • Tracer
  • Genji
  • Doomfist
  • Winston
  • Dva
  • Another sniper (Widow or Hanzo)

You seen, Widow have the same number of counters than the others. But, she can oneshot all of supports and dps hero (except of tracer and genji if they are very close to you, but if they are far you can also), however if your team care of you and if you are not too bad you can fight them or run away.


You do realize Widow is the second most used dps in pro play right now?
And her pickrate is still going up.
Don’t blame the hero if you are bad.

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I pitty people that have 300 hours of Mercy, a character that is constantly flamed by the team, hated by everyone because she allegedly takes no skill and had her wings ripped off by some stupid rework the devs had no idea how to handle.

Not only that but if you have 300 hours of Widow people actually respect that you will probably be good at her, no one cares if you have more than 30 hours of Mercy because her skill ceiling is so low.

and this is why i hunt and kill widow mains for fun. don’t shoot an angry ape…

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Widow has the ability to 1 shot kill people from across the map.
Which means - you do not get any sort of breaks.

Also it is important to remember Hanzo requires significantly more skill than Widow. Not only does he have to Arc his shot - the further it is, he has to compensate for travel time.

Which is a metric ton more effort than a Sniper with a Hitscan.

I don’t have even have 1 hour of experience with Widow and yet,

I like Widowmaker too and play her a lot in arcade, but this game is built around switching. If you are getting killed constantly, then your best bet is to switch. If you refuse to switch, then you can’t really get mad when your counters kill you.

Also, you do a big mistake with SKILL and ACCURACY

WM is hard to MASTER, because she need a very nice accuracy. OK. You will be suprised, but TO PLAY, Widow is as diffucult as Symmetra.
But say a Zarya, a Doomfist, a Genji or a Sombra are just not skilled is really wrong.
The fact of their difficulties isn’t just the accuracy, but the vision of the game and the role they play in a match.
With Zarya, you must protect your teamates of every big damages and build up your ult the faster you can. Futhermore, you need to be coordinate with your team to spend your ult on the right moment to do a combo with doom, dva and other heroes like them. And shield up one of your teamates isn’t easy you could think. The once you play her you waste 70% of your shields for nothing xD
Same things with Sombra for exemple : you have a lot of possibilites, that make sombra hard to play and to take decision in some situations. By the way, she must speak with her team to coordinate their push.

But, i will defend the “no skilled hero” too :wink:

Is for a Rein, no skilled to protect 100% your team, counter the enemie’s ult when you must, carry your team, hit 5 enemies with your fires and killed them, try to fight against a reaper, pharah etc… as u can when you know you couln’t switch because you are the only decent tank in the team, think about your acts because if you die your teamates will die quickly without you, take risk to kills the heroes that your dps can’t kill, and, succed or fail ?

THAT IS SKILL. That is the clue which shows that you master Rein and know how to play him. Play him is easy, Master is more diffucult.

And i can say the same with differents fact with Symmetra, Bastion, Torbjorn, Mercy etc !

The littles stars you see when you want to watch one heroe’s abilities is/are just the difficultie’s level TO PLAY THIS HERO, not to master.

I don’t say that all of the heroes in overwatch have the same diffcultie’s level to play or to master, but that, for exemple, play widow could be easier than master sym pharah etc… and to master widow is harder than to master sym.

I hope you understand. To put it in a nutshell, if u want to become more open-minded, you should try to play the others heroes.

Earlier today, I held down right click and accidentally ate a hanzo ult. #Skill

I didn’t plan it. I didn’t work for it. I accidentally hit one button and totally destroyed whatever effort he put into building and firing his ulti.
That’s the type of #NoSkillNoProblem crap I’m talking about it.

Deny it all you want. This game is full of it.

Try being a forced tank-main, because no on ever want’s to play a tank anymore, and everyone just goes straight for their main dps now days.

If it makes you feel better, I heard a lot of people in grand master main some form of tank.

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Literally every single thing in this game exists to prevent hitscans from absolutely dominating the game; things are made unique by stopping hitscans from running rampant in a slightly different way. As it is basically the core principle of the game, if that bothers you, realistically, your options are to switch characters, switch games, git gud or suck it up. I’d also try playing a bit in Widow HS only custom games- you’ll learn really fast if you’re the problem, and the practice never hurts.

Amount of time spent playing doesn’t determine your skill. you must be pretty bad to stay at gold with widow then

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