What it feels like to be a Widowmaker main

Exact reason why there is so much hate for widow mains. They will never switch, if it’s not working, they will never get on the payload or objective, even if it’s to delay a win so the team can get there, they would rather get that last headshot while sitting in the corner. There are 27 heroes in overwatch. It’s a game that has counters so that when you die you can switch heroes, but nope, you’d rather go back to widow and sulk in your corner. Now you don’t like shields so you want piercing shots. Give me a break.


I think what I really want is to go play counter strike where I can buy whatever gun I want, whenever I want, and have an equal shot of it being viable as long as I possess the skill.

Widowmaker is actually really viable, have you seen the pros play her? They show all the potential she has and that she’s a really strong pick in the right hands. However like all heroes she has her counters, and when someone is countered one must learn to switch.

You might be frustrated because your counter kept killing you, but that is precisely the spirit of the game -to counter pick- instead of sticking to one hero through every hardship and end up doing nothing, that will only lead to throwing the match for the rest of your 5 teammates.

The enemy team outsmarted you by switching to your counter, now it’s time you do the same, and outsmart them. Got killed by a Winston? Switch to reaper or bastion and show that scientist what true fear is all about.

Zarya is a terrible widow counter, probably one of zarya’s worst matchups. A brief barrier on a 10 second cooldown hardly qualifies as a coubter. She also has no way of killing you from a distance unless you were stupid enough to standstill for a life time while she lobbed her grenades at you. Symmetra also is a terrible marchup with widow if you think that her photon barrier negates a widow’s ability entirely.

You asked yourself ,why can’t my favorite hero be more viable? That’s quite an unreasonable expectation that 300 hours of widow, your favorite hero, should automatically make you viable in 100% of the situations. If anything, 300 hours of widow should make you realize the strengths AND weaknesses of widow. There is a time and place where widow shines, but you should have realized by now that you must respect the strengths of other heroes and that pure mechanical aim may not be enough to overcome certain match ups with other heroes.

Now, widow is quite a mobile hero who is able to deal with divers fairly well given her 8 second hook cd. For dva and winston, two diving tanks who you probably have trouble with, you must wait for these heroes to use their movement ability before using your book to get away. That way the tanks will not have their ability on cooldown and have no way to close the gap on you.

But as said earlier, if you are getting focused by two people constantly and your team is not able to help you, it depends on what your goal in overwatch is. Do you want to win? Or do you just want to play widow? If you just want to play widow, you will just have to accept that you will be countered by certain heroes until your aim and positioning becomes good enough to cover your weaknesses to genji, winston, dva, tracer, etc.

Edit: CS GO may just suit you better where mechanical aim is far more important than movement and positioning. Widow truly does have an equal shot in many situations, but you must have the skill with her to do so. Not many people do. But being a good player also means knowing when you’ve done what you can on widow and accepting that you need to switch.

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Maybe learn to play other heroes than widow. Its a great hero, but you really need to hit a lot of those shots and kill your targets. Sometimes your team needs something else than widowmaker and then it might be your job to switch.

If enemy team doesnt see you as a big problem, then you are going to lose that match because:

-your team plays 5v6
-you dont bring yourself as extra target to the enemies, so they can focus your team more precise
-you cant really counter much ulties, unless you get some sick headshots which does not happen that often
-you get hard countered by enemy winston etc. and he wrecks you all the time and your team is 5v6 again

So learn to play other heroes too like people have said earlier.


This is wrong. In a time where they have buffed:

  1. area denial (JR)
  2. Dive dmg (DVa)
  3. frustrating curved shields (Orisa)
  4. hectic models to headshot (Ana, Valkyrie)
  5. One more ulti that is able to counter you (Valkyrie)

Widowmaker needs real compensation. Her dmg output seems fine at first glance. However, her mine has become even worse if you are a good widow, because it promotes hiding, until the “wallhack” effect finish. Then, you literally miss any chance to kill that hero and mine has become a mere tool for cheap dmg in case of Tracer or Genji.

The mine needs rework, because it’s literally the worst skill in the game right now, because it doesn’t work as intended.


You didn’t actually disagree with my statement though.

How could they buff her enough that she would be meta for golds, and not stupidly OP at high masters? A tweak to venom mine wouldn’t be enough.

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it might if it actually did something useful that could give her more ways to be viable or provide consistent viable damage.

Honestly, even if just had the anti healing effect of Ana’s grenade that would be SO viable in the today’s nothing but heals meta. It would also make securing a kill that much easier.

Hell, even something as dumb as bonus body shot damage to targets affected by the poison would make this more viable for people who can’t aim without affecting the upper meta much if at all.

stand still… cover a maybe 30 degree or less field of view zoomed into a door. wait…wait…wait… wait some more…wait… Your team losing a team fight due to lack of DPS, other team able to focus fire being you’re no where near the fight… wait… get called a worthless sniper… keep waiting… wait. Ah ha someone came out the door!! Shoot* /miss/
shoot hit tank, tank shields and get healed back up right away. “Unfair!!! Muh 300 hours doing this!!!”

there is a reason people can’t stand low rank snipers. Yeah it’s not fair to throw games and so on but by the same token it’s not good team play to JAM a failing DPS pick into the team comp either.
You’re about to fall under 50% win rate, as a 300+ hour low gold mostly 1 trick widowmaker. Sooooooo when that avoid system kicks in please come back and update us on how long your queue time becomes being you are going to be avoided by 8+ players a game.


Well, there are some minor things that can be changed:
The mine needs to have less ticks in order not to suffer from armors
Decrease its visual effect to be something like junkrat’s trap
Increase the initial non-charged dmg. Atm her sniper goes from 12dmg uncharged to 120 fully charged. They can increase the initial dmg to 20, so in case of uncharged headshot the target will receive 50 instead of 30.


Making venom mines anti heal would not be close to enough to make WM strong in gold. The issue at that level is people just can’t land body shots consistently, much less crits.

Being able to anti-heal 1 character ever 30 seconds at most isn’t going to make the WM as impactful as a 76 or pharah or tracer.

You asking for a buff? Widow is borderline OP at the moment, the only thing keeping her in check is Dive.

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Increase the initial non-charged dmg. Atm her sniper goes from 12dmg uncharged to 120 fully charged

This is exactly what I’m talking about when I say that a buff that might impact her play level at gold would be stupidly OP at higher levels.

With some practice and good aim, it’s very easy to land quick scopes (when you shoot immediately after the zoom animation.) Good Ana’s do this all the time. gold tier players can’t land these, so the change wouldn’t impact them much. However, Masters players can. The 66% dmg buff on low charge would be crazy powerful.

Talk to me like I’m a person who is gold rank instead of like I’m an idiot.

Also, I’m not about to fall under anything. I went from probably a 20% win rate to just over a 50% win rate. So when you decide to start being relevant again and actually play competitive sometime this season, let me know when you actually have a clue what you are talking about.


Oh, I’m so sorry that you can’t just headshot people left and right with complete impunity.

Your main has counters. Deal with it. Her difficulty to play is proportionate to the reward for playing her well.

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  1. Rein
  2. Winston
  3. Orisa
  4. Symmetra
  5. Genji

Can you name one other hero with 5 or more heroes who counter them?

Try Playing symmetra, then come back


Widowmaker’s role in high ranks is to get the first pick and punish any minor positioning mistake (support stepped for a moment out of the shield etc). Shots without charge are usually used for finishing (let’s say a Genji who just dashed out) or Tracer which have low health pool anyways. At the moment, widows use their rifles in these situations. The other use for fast scopes are the double hits with hook. This can really increase the effectiveness for top 500 widowmaker mains.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of options to change her without change her dmg and create a power creep. For example, they can introduce hook cd reset whenever somebody steps on your mine. In this case, it gives an incentive to play more aggressively, and lose track if widow has her hook on or not.

No. I’m not here to complain about how poopy life is as a symmetra main.

There’s no way to strictly buff (as in make more powerful with no downside) a character and not contribute to power creep. This is literally the definition of power creep. And it’s not good for the game (puts you in a position where you’re constantly needing to buff all other heros to catch up.)

The fact of the matter is that WM is terrible below diamond, and right now powerful and meta in high masters and GM. I see her in a lot of games, no one ever dislikes the pick unless it’s a bad map for her or they’re not contributing and won’t swap. Anything you’d do to her which would make her not terrible for the people who can’t aim, will make her ridiculous for the people who can.

She’s a very binary hero. Either you can land the shots or you can’t. If you can’t do so consistently, you just shouldn’t play her.