What is your rank and average fps?

oh I’ve seen well under 60 lmao

Not speaking about you specifically, just in general. 60 FPS is more than enough to play great. Higher than that is just eye candy and gives a smoother experience.

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Yeah, I climbed to plat with 45 FPS cap :slight_smile: Some people even higher.


3265 on Tank (off tank), 116 FPS on 144hz monitor

htt ps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/808539133047734292/821143692383223808/unknown.png

From my main

120ish on a 27" 144hz curvyboi

Rank is anywhere between bronze and master.

Masters at mostly 60-80

high silver/low gold 165 fps. I do however have nerve damage in my hands, my system isn’t an issue climbing, I am :slight_smile:

You what mate…

Don’t ask me, ask the placement and scoring system.