What is your favorite hanzo skin

In memorial of the times when Hanzo was actually useful, what is your favorite skin for him? Not that it matters since I KNOW you won’t be playing him in his current state.

Mine is either Onryo or Cupid

Scion. Love the dignified look.

back in overwatch 1 when i played hanzo a lot I would switch between Scion and Cyberninja so i hold those 2 close to my heart

Corporate dushe one , looks very professional

I like the Casual Urban, it heavily reminds me of a friend who i used to work with at one of the funniest jobs I ever had. (Mostly) Good times. :smiling_face_with_tear:

The Cupid one is really fun too. I loved the play mode too :heartpulse::cupid:

Casual (though the recolor is more my style). I play him a lot still, since it’s far more enjoyable (and viable) to play than my actual main currently.

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Scion is the Ranulf/Saber Hanzo skin to me

Default Hanzo is great. Or its modification with orange sunglasses.

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My favorite is that skin where he has gold armor and a fake looking white beard. I got it extremely soon after it released through the loot boxes, and for a while I was the only Hanzo I saw with the skin, so I felt special.

Its still rare now, but that’s because I think its comparatively worse than the others.