What is your dream skin?

Disco Ball Wrecking Ball. It would be the most visible skin in the game, but I don’t care, it would still be amazing. Especially if Hammond gets an afro, seventies outfit, and pointy sunglasses.

Dr Who skin for Tracer. Two types.
The Tom Baker version, with scarf, curly hair and hat, and a David Tennant version.

Cyborg Reaper, omnic McCree, made of ice Mei ( entire body is shiny ice). Also cyborg Winston. That would be amazing. And all of the above for Hammond. Maybe a tf2 ish medic skin for Mercy

Soldier 76: Sgt Cortez-based skin from Timesplitters


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I want an easter bunny skin for dva. I don’t care what it looks like. what’s important is that instead of shooting bullets, it shoots colorful jellybeans.

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Mei Gym uniform skin. The zarya weightlifter interactions alone would make it so worth it. :slight_smile:

Neanderthal Reinhardt, with a mammoth femur club and furs and bones and stag antlers and stuff

and a nice warpaint

best a whole set of shamanistic, neolithic, druidic (a bit creepy old european myths) skins like orisa’s forest spirit

Oh my god!!! Yes!! :heart:

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Purple and pink outfit, with a Cat ear headband and clip on tail, with cat claws for her hacking nails.

D.Va as a cheerleader in a crop top with pig tails and her Meka has pom poms

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Everyone gets dress’ and suits. Like Doomfist has.

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Carmen Sandiego Sombra pls

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20 characters. 2

A black Halloween Sombra skin with neon orange highlights. A Highlighter orange hairstyle is a must

On the old forum I was quite vocal about getting an Iceman Lucio skin long before rime was released, I still want that!

D.va - Snow globe & Fish tank.

Would love a Prince inspired Moira skin like this https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ba/a3/3e/baa33efd333334f142777715a743dbaf.jpg

Zarya in a dress like this with her hair in curlers (I don’t even main her but I love her as a character)


Genji in Speedos.

A fun skin for pharah that expands her personality and gets her out of the suit?


Disco Zen because it is just an amazing idea?

Choices choices choices. I hate choices.

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If we are to ever get an Easter event, that would be a pretty good skin for her. :slight_smile:

I can’t pick between a Bayonetta-inspired skin for Moira or one of Reaper’s BDSM looking concept art pieces.

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