What is your dream skin?

Here you go:

A pink Reaper would be amazing!


Pink (Guy) Reaper?

2 0 c h a r

As always, Bob Ross Zen


Water jet-pack Pharah
with life-west for chest armor
Arm floaties for shoulder armor
Hawaii shorts
And water bazooka

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Penguin skin for roadhog or mei


“Extraterrestrial” Bastion.

Think of the Forerunners from Halo, now imagine their designs being used to make a Bastion unit. Sleek, geometric, and covered in weird symbols and lights. It could even use materializing hardlight and floating pieces to reconfigure!

For some reason, I desperately want a hipster skater Reaper. Beard, hipster glasses or shades, nut-hugging shorts, he could keep the beanie and hoodie from Reyes. Just change the color to pink and give him a Grim Reaper decal on the back. Perfect skin.

Or just Ballerina Reaper if that is too much cringe.


The Pingu skin would fit more for Mei

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Yeah, thats the reason i say Pingu Mei.

Although a submarinist Pingu Hog or a richman Pingu Hog (like the batman enemy) is also possible.

Whathever pingu skin they did, i want it with a pingu player icon!

Why are you so cruel! i can’t pick between ghost tracer and U.F.O d.va😢


Def disco lucio. Imagine! normal roller skates, with the silly rubber stopper on the front, bell bottom pants (maybe with polka dots), and they could make his gun look like a boombox, and he would have an afro, those weird plastic glasses with the bars going across the front, omg i love it. Also they could make his music for crossfade different like they did with jazzy (my favorite feature in the entire game).


WWII Field Medic skin for Mercy…Stained armor, her healing tether is just a long bandage…A dinky little helmet with a red cross on it…


OH. MY. F*CK. you are the smartest man to ever walk the earth

edit: or woman idk

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yes please

20 characters

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YES! That would be pretty good!

Dream skin? Crocodile hunter skin for junkrat it would probably be a Anniversary or Halloween skin

I was going to say concept art Sombra but you’ve reminded me that Pink Reaper is just too beautiful to not become reality.


My own. 20 character limit

“Which, once again, proves my theory… Germans love David Hasselhoff.”


I would like to have something like this

Or this

For Mei.

But a skin where she is Satan wouldn’t be bad as well.

But right now would I like to have a pink Reaper.