What is this? I thought Archives is next

Isn’t that how it was last year? And Competitive 6v6 might be part of the also upcoming anniversary event, I doubt it would be concurrent with Archives.

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why woudl they be adding the sprays now?

It was actually really good last year

Why not? They seem to add them several weeks early sometimes.

More like free comp points


Yup. Masters here I come again xD

Not sure you know that but 6v6 elimination had a comp gamemode outside any event.

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Well I know what mode I won’t be playing.

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what map is that from? usually the competitive sprays are all map related, right? that one looks new. :eyes:

did you forget it had its own little category before?

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black forest

But where in Black Forest? it looks like a literal door to nowhere.

I was thinking the same thing with the pine trees in the back until I started thinking about the maps

Are there flowers like that on that map?

Also is this PTR? What’s the “hero” spray look like?

It is the generator outside.

I don’t remember flowers either but may be because I have some settings turned off.

It is the live client. The hero sprays in’t anything special either. it shows part of the water mill and is not animated.

To clarify, last year’s 6v6 Elimination Competitive started during the same time as the Archives seasonal event.

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This thread makes no sense, i’m dying XD. Like these things are completely unrelated

if you are sure…

Here is last year’s announcement post:

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Well this would be season 2 of 6v6… and there’s already been a 3v3 season. This is nothing new.

Its just an old-non-event gamemode returning. Which Im actually kinda happy about because I want to earn comp points without actually playing comp

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Will probably overlap, they’ve done this with past events too.