What is the weakness of Sombra?

So like there’s a certain idea behind each character’s power, right? Like Soldier can fight on various ranges, can take highround pretty well, but his ult is meh and he is not a good dive character. Or genji can dive very well, can create chaos in the backline, but he lacks sustain damage and accuracy.

So what is the weakness of Sombra? Her gun is crazy good combined with virus. She’s like mini bastion. She metls the target almost with the same speed with virus and her gun. She can play a god with her perma invis by choosing when combats start and when combats finish. She can choose to start the fight only when it’s beneficial for her. Her ult is a teamfight winner, her abilites are veyr strong too. And she has a get out of the jail for free card.

I just don’t understand why the dev team thinks that Sombra MUST be strong no matther what. I miss the good old times when being a good sombra was actually impressive and meant something. So many times I play doom, people just pick sombra and hack my block. And then they get destroyed because that’s not how you counter doom. Blizz is literally promoting braindeadism to players. ME SEE BALL ME GO SOMBRA ME GOOD.

P.S 0 people could give a defined answer to my question. It’s all blanket statements like “kill her” or “watch around.” 0 people gave a clear answer about what is her direct weakness in terms of her power.


Well depends, Forum sombra has no weaknesses. Like for example she is like a mini bastion that melts people.

Non forum sombras weakness is general awareness.


She can get overzealous and try to escape with too little health, so if you have a Dva/Moira/Genji/Tracer, it can be easy to catch her if you’re quick enough


She has very little weaknesses…when you limit it to a 1v1 scenario. However, it’s a team game so her efficacy really depends on you and your teammates general awareness and reaction to sound cues.


You have to actually play like there is an enemy Sombra. Turn around and shoot her.


Soldier is NOT a good example. He literally has 0 weakness. His ult is “meh” because his primary fire is literally so good, why would he give up his ability to headshot? He already doesn’t need to aim, so his ult is pointless. That does not mean he has a weakness.

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Sombra has to do so much set up just to get her damage on par with near every other DPS. To get even close to the lethality of characters like Genji, Tracer, Widow, or Sojourn (even Venture), she has to first hack a target, then hit her virus, and then start shooting. The first two steps are difficult if people knows where she is.

Her “get out of jail free” card is often more like a “go to a different jail free” card now that her range is so much smaller. Dive tanks can chase her down. DPS with burst mobility can chase her down. Moira is good at chasing her down with Fade.


Don’t be by yourself and sombra is significantly worse.

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Ya baby girl has to run around invisible with a learning Circle to not bump into things.

And stand behind enemy and watch them .

While ease low skill flankers like genji tracer just find a way to navigate without enemies noticing all their cues and.hide themselves easily with cover.

Obviously sombra has to do so much work.


I love seeing Sombras because I counter her so easily on Cassidy. I usually stick near my supports or the DPS she targets and kill her 7 out of 10 times, even if I don’t kill her she’s worthless because she has to leave ASAP.

However, when she targets me and lands a hack/virus there’s basically no way I can kill her before she kills me, and I have to completely rely on my support. If they don’t heal me through it I swap to Sombra so that I’m one less target to open up on and she can have my supports. And because I can’t play Cassidy due to careless selfish supports I don’t peel for them at all. If Sombra isn’t on them it’s not their problem I’ll keep that same energy.

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Lack of space
The number of games I have where three people chasing me half across the map while my team dies 4v2 should not be possible, but here we are

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Like tracer pressing blink 3 times in a row completely bypassing every choke, pressing m1 and then E to go back where she was?

See it’s not so hard to belittle effort put into a hero if you try


Oh like with all other characters in the game? Thank you, champ, what would we have done without you?

When is it not 1v1 scenario?

He can’t dive, he can’t brawl, his ult is hits 1-2 players max, he has a huge hitbox. A lot of weaknesses.

from invis, behind, hack cast is 0.6 seconds.

after 0.6 seconds from invis, with huge hitbox of virus, from behind,

12 bullets. literally 12 bullets to finish the target

yeah no…

Don’t tell them that it’s efortless and braindead, they get upset.

And tracer is invisible all this time right?

So Sombra makes the game more toxic is the main draw I’m getting from this comment.

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Sombra’s weakness? The ping system is a pretty big one. Regular spy checking by characters with extended ammo or aoe abilities. Any healing whatsoever on her dive target.

Turning around or checking off angles occasionally works wonders for me. Her virus and primary fire are easier to deal with if you see her fade in.

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Dont need it when you have an infinite teleportation with iframes

Do other characters rely on the element of surprise to win? Easy counter, dont be surprised i.e. be aware

Yes she can effortlessly stand behind and watch you while your team wins 5v4. Sounds like alot of easy value for your team.


Pretty much like any hero. Toxic for her team because I kill her, or toxic to my team because if the supports don’t wake up I’m going to allow her to eat them alive which always ends up in a team wipe.

She too gimmicky. Remove virus, buff gun damage and utility.

Her weakness is teamwork which you will not find in any rank

or landing magnetic grenade onto her

He can kind of only shoots in a straight line, and does damage over time. And kind of sucks when you circle strafe right next him or sit above his head with like pharah.

If he can’t keep his cross hairs for long periods of time, you basically just win the engagement.

it’s part of the reason why tracer is so strong at the moment.

Play the hero and learn all about their weaknesses.

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