What is the tank lineup people want?

No, there is no good reason to stereotype, generalize, and hate and entire group of people.
You even implying such a thing disgusts me

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What we need instead are maps with drastically different set-ups where each check point facilitates a different type of situation. Gibraltar is pretty much long sightlines and several flanking routes with high ground until the very last push into final point on the final corner.

From there high ground advantage is very hard to get and there is less overall cover.

Tank picks based on map and team composition.

Spare me your righteous indignation. You’d think I was racially profiling or advocating for genocide the way you are whining right now.

You are a group of video game players, stop acting like a victim.

why waste time making mei a tank when they could just make more tanks.

Honestly that’s the best answer to this whole situation.

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Spare me of your childish hate

Oh, my apologies that I don’t approve of spreading hate towards an entire group of people

Lol. All I know is that tank players on these forums and that I know personally are dropping on flies. Think I’m being crazy all you want, but its just not healthy for the game for dps to be this overbearing in 99% of games.

Don’t care because that is besides the point.

If you want to get mad at people, get mad at the devs. They make the balance decisions, not some random players on the Forums.

It’s to appeal to those randos. You yourself said balance should be exclusively towards the top 1% to me before. And the devs, and plenty of dps agree. You and people like you are the reason this game sucks.

do you honestly think devs make changes for no reason. That they pull random ones out of a hat? They listen to the top 1% you and others like you advocate for.

Source? Where did the devs explicitly state that they made these changes off of a few randos on the Forums?

And plenty of tanks, and plenty of supports

It’s almost like people don’t have certain opinions just because they play certain roles.

I don’t make the decisions. You can blame me all you want, though I don’t make the decisions for balance. Such an implication is insane.

You have no base for such a claim.

You see absolutely no correlation between what top 500 streams and OWL players are asking for (a group in which you advocate) and the nerfs and buffs that happen?

I’ve been hard pressed to find a support that supported Brig/Mercy/Moira changes

Or tanks that supported Orisa/Sig/ DVA changes.

Not below Masters

Tanks make space, deny people value, and they get in your face and murder you. Tanks by design pretty much murder any other role if they catch them in unfavorable positioning.

Despite this being their entire purpose people get salty when this happens and thus complain about those tanks and demand nerfs.

Since tanks are often very unbalanced. 2-3 Meta tanks 2-3 Middle bad tanks that can work with correct comps/maps and 2-4 trash tanks that are basically throw picks.

People will see the meta tanks a bunch and die to them a bunch then demand they get nerfed cuz they OP.

Long answer short? No tank line-up will ever be liked.


Correlation doesn not equal causation.

Still waiting on that citation btw.

I do not care for your personal anecdotes

Regardless of what you have personally experienced, if you cannot prove that all players of certain roles all think the same way, then your claims should be effectively ignored

It actually was happening in early 2019 (yay, I get to link my thread again) before the devs gutted balance in the name of OWL. GOATS was already thoroughly dead on ladder but the live game was destroyed as DPS were buffed and Tanks were dumpstered.

Then Sigma was released and 2-2-2 happened - both at the same time. Since then has basically just been scaling back the 2019 powercreep and nerfing the obviously-broken heroes that were introduced at the time.

Bruh, the devs have no made any statement. That doesn’t mean it isn’t obvious. If you are too purposefully dense to see what is going on, you are a lost cause.

But one is always going to be ‘more’ viable for the top percent of players. That’s just how games work. Outside of literally making everyone the same, there will be a ‘better’ pick even if the rest of the options are still good

I don’t want a tank combo. I just want several viable tanks that can be used interchangeably. But since you asked, I didn’t mind sigma ball at all. It was fun. Rein Zarya is so old and boring at this point.

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Just as I thought, you have no base for your claims other than tin foil hatted conspiracy theories

So in other words

I’ll probably attempt to shoehorn Rein, Sigma, Winston, or Roadhog on a whim so it doesn’t really matter to me. Can’t trust your gut. Got to play what chaos tells you to.

Wow you might be actually dense. I thought it was a ploy.

But here is my anecdotal evidence since you seem to live under a rock.

Double Barrier meta in OWL. Double Barrier nerfed.

Brig meta in OWL. Brig nerfes

Bap meta in OWL. Bap nerfed.

Sig/Ball meta in OWL. Sig/Ball nerfed.

Genji underperforming in OWL? Genji megabuffed

Old school Dva meta in first season of OWL?. Nerf.

Nine of these people were being played disproportionately below masters

I’m sorry you live in a vacuum