What is the story team doing?

Best I can offer is that they’ve had to seriously up their game & need things properly set in place before they move forward…or they feel the need to prolong our connection to the characters as we understand them for now because change could provoke backlash.
I also feel that far more could’ve been done at this point, especially in the realm of comics; but I’d like to assume that the lack of lore is coming from a business decision, rather than a lack of ideas or the ability to make those ideas cohesive with the greater whole.
A guy can hope anyway. xD


Writers, if you’re reading this, I could help with Zen. If you don’t know what to do. I’ve spent the last year and a half coming up with backstories for him.
Just so you know…
Jumps out the window and runs off
Callllllllllll meeeeeeeeeeee…


Probably coming up with enough retcons to fix this mess…

“Oh well Ashe isn’t the founder of the Deadlock Gang because that would make her over 100 years old but she is the founder of the DeadIock Gang which is different because it’s spelled with a capital I instead of a lowercase L.”

WHAM, Solved it…

It must be hard fetching Jeff’s bagels, because he obviously doesn’t do much writing for a head writer.

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Eh… the lore team probably doesn’t exist anymore, got cut away because they needed more resources for their ESports crap.


The developers are just doing sort of their own thing at the moment due to the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays.

They’re busy retconning the existing lore.

Actually, it’s a common misconception that Hammond is a hamster. He’s a gerbil mouse animatronic robot nevermind, he’s a hamster.

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Well he would write more, but Jeff wants his lambo waxed everyday, and that task falls to the lore team.

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Even in the midst of a “big lore story” the devs could mention it’s going to be a ‘big lore surprise’.

The lore section of the staff needs to touch base with us that they’re doing something big lore wise or not. Right now, we’re all just frustrated.


They make few cinematic shorts with a lot of easter eggs but no story progress… It’s kind of like just eating bread crumbs. They love easter eggs too much and have to realize that we’re getting sick of bread crumbs.

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This game won’t die, I am sure. ^^

I bet whatever is going on, there is a reason for that. It is your right to question what they are doing after such a long time but I think we also have to appreciate what they are giving us at the moment. I am sure they are planning something and I am sure things will go uphill 2019 again. We just have to get accostumed to a new pace and perhaps be gratefull for what we alreadyhave/had.

I’m sure it’s that the writers are lazy and elect to not do their jobs but still somehow keep them.

But seriously, why do they have writers? Nothing is connecting, it is not moving forward. What is the point? Like, real talk, just take off that Blizz cap and sit there, shut your eyes and ask yourself, could a foreign fanfic writer do better in an early draft. The answer is probably no. That being said, if English was their first language… realistically that changes to a yes.

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Probably working on a new game within the OW universe, one that actually has a story focus.

Remember that this team was originally supposed to make an MMO. Remember that despite the astronomically greedy expectations of the suits, Destiny is raking in the cash. Remember that every AAA publisher is currently creaming their pants at the thought of “live services”. Remember that Blizzard suddenly found themselves a 30-million strong fanbase, many of whom were creaming _them_selves when Uprising came out. Oh, and remember that Blizzard said they are making mobile games for all of their franchises.

Understanding that the individual people lower in the game dev hierarchy have very little say in what content they make and when gives me a… Blizz cap? Because I’d call that more just basic understanding of how these pipelines work

They are working on Lore for the mobile OW, duh.

Oh and Archives takes apparently all the lore time and it’s going to be the only lore event for the whole year I guess. Oh and comic too.

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But Michael Chu is working on twitter lore all the time.

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What story team… ?

You think there’s a narrative happening here?

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Vietnam scenes