What is the second best map in the game?

Imma go with Junkertown.

We all know the official number 1. I’m really curious what is the official number 2.

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Favorite is King’s Row probably.

Second favorite would be Eichenwalde.

I’d say Temple of Anubis is an honorable mention


My second is horizon first is lijiang

Thought Horizon was second to Paris for most hated maps.

I like Horizon :woman_shrugging: (Sym tp strats)


Kings row, itll always be top 3

Eichenwalde would probably be my pick. I’m also a big fan of Lijiang too but I can understand why people may not like it.


I really enjoy Hollywood, but I think most other people don’t.

I’m a big fan of basically all of the payload missions. They’re just the best.

Best map is kings row. Second best is probably Hollywood or eichenwalde.

Ew I hate temple…

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I’m quite fond of Hanamura.


I like volskaya a lot. Theres a lot of good set up spots and the map is beautiful.

the matches last forever tho


As a Russian, thanks lol :joy:

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I like Rialto, but Eichenwalde is also really good. Ironic as when it was first released it was the most hated map of all. It gives you hope for Paris (and I’m kind of surprised they haven’t already added another route to Paris A to “solve” that map too).

There was a poll on this years ago, this was before a lot of the newer maps

But yeah seems to be a tie between Ilios/Lijang/Eichewalde, all of which I thoroughly enjoy

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You gotta be joking. I wasn’t there but I find this hard to believe.

The link isn’t working for me. But since it was years ago, somebody should make a new poll and remove KR from it, hueh.

i have to go with junkertown too, dorado is a very close third

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best hybrid: kings row
payload: rialto
koth: oasis
2cp: volskaya (least worst)

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Best: Kings row
2nd: Eichenwalde