What is the range of SR loss/earning

I noticed that I usually get around 30 SR. Sometimes I lose/earn 20 and sometimes 40. Is there a range?

usually its around 25 per game, but ive gained as much as 40, and lost as much as 32

you can tell that you’re doing well if you gain more than you lose (+27, -21)

Yay I am doing well.

Max is ±50, you automatically lose 50 for leaving.

I believe blizz stated that how much you gain or lose depends on how you performed stat-wise compared to other players playing the same hero at the same rank, with a modifier based on how likely you were considered to win in case the game has to match you against slightly higher or lower ranked opponents.

diamond upwards this is no longer used

Diamond and above:

You lose/gain sr based on your sr, the average sr of your game, and your teams sr in comparison to the enemy teams sr. So if my sr is 4100 and I’m in a 4400 game I’d expect to earn 30 if I win and 20 if I lose, but if I’m 4100 in a 3500 game, I’d expect to lose around 50sr and gain like 12.

When everything is even, all around same 50-100sr. The win/loss is 24sr.

Diamond and below:

Performance based sr, you win and lose based on how you perform as in individual. So if I play really well but still lose, I’ll lose 10 sr. If I play really well and win, I’ll gain 30 sr.

They normally make the number based on your Stats/deaths compared to other players in your rank playing those heroes.

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It appears to be base +25/-25

This has varied for me when the team averages are wildly different. So I’ve even seen gains of possibly 28 or 29 and losses of the same. If the match is even averages then it’s normally 24-26, anything much different and it may be less or more.

One game, a while back, we lost and I had 0 SR reduction. I was totally stunned.

This is NOT RIGHT! You shouldn’t always have to need killer stats for a particular match. Sometimes a stronger team doesn’t require as much help. Blizzard’s constant ‘adjustments’ (patches) to the game and it’s heroes, not to mention the seemingly arbitrary assignment of SR makes me want to leave the game.

I gain 30 to 40 a win lose 20 a loss but I am on a 70percent win rate so yea

±150 is max cap or it used to be before role q.

I have seen some people talking about higher number just after placement but i didnt see it so its just rumors.

I have experienced both +150 and - 150, even without after placement bonus.

No its not, read my text above.

I don’t know if it differs for tiers, but it’s generally +25 / - 25

Then there’s like a 1-7 SR gap in either direction depending on the average of both sides. So generally 4 wins to go up 100~

you automatically loose -50SR if your net drops too regardless of if you reconnect fast and win which is sad :frowning:

Yeah I never understood the logic behind deducting 50 SR after a win. Ever since that happened to me I’ve never made an effort to relog after a DC. What’s the point if I’m guaranteed to lose 50 SR regardless of the outcome? To try and help 5 other random people whom I couldn’t care less about? Yeah sorry but no thanks

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That is the thing, the modifier is enough to soft cap you enough that it isn’t every near +50. Also the higher you go in rank, the more likely you will get far less than you are able to lose. The system trends downward to ensure that anything more than bronze rank is always in flux. It does also mean that the majority of the player base never gets out of gold. Along with that, the system does not build your team with the players that are most likely to succeed. The system does it’s best to ensure that you have around a 50% chance to win. So that means that sometimes you get placed in a team because you are the person that will be more likely to cause them to lose (almost always, that person will also have a low social ranking as well. Generally 2 or less). Most often that person is also found in the DPS class, and plays mostly tech type heroes like any of the snipers or genji/tracer etc.