What is the point of competitive anymore?

So last night, i played several competitive games for the record I hate comp play and don’t want to be there. I want the golden gun cosmetic one day and sadly blizzard wont simply let us buy it.

Overall every game I played was the same pattern. I end up on a team that gets 0 kills in the first round and the players on the other team are hacked to the gills which is the only reason I could even think they were not able to be hit or shrug off damage. I and the tank on a team attacked a hog player and the hog player not only took a full barrage from bastion but the attack from the Rein and killed both of us. Mind you, i was nearly point blank on him with bastions’ chain gun.

I am not sure what hacks people are using but you have a HOG in a game getting 40 kills? There is something really wrong out here when you are getting killed with only 1 to 2 shots from hog and you are at 90%. I know there are people who will attack this post saying I am wrong but you were not in the game , i know what i saw and what I experienced, I am not makign this up.

So overall, it seems we have some network of friends that somehow all know each other and there is an agreement to feed the other team to boost their rankings. Yet people all the time attack players at a lower level saying they can’t play while people quite frankly are cheating. I dont know when blizzard is going to get back to banning but NOBODY seems to be getting banned anymore for all the stuff they are doing.

Now I dont care what happens, if I get kicked or banned from the forum then so be it but one game last night was so vile that I can’t even believe these people were not banned.

Chipsa, Pregnbrig, Transme!!, Bellystem MacandDennis, Skunkmono2 were the names of some of the rudest and cold blooded cheaters I ever saw. They talked about taking drugs during the stream, they used negative words, criticized other people , mocked people. Now there is a name policy but overall I doubt these were the real names of the players but how blizzard has not banned a group of cheaters like this after the team agreed with me that they were cheating is just beyond me. Chipsa again talked about smoking weed. Pregnbrig talked about sexually explict stuff during the game.

This is not the experience anyody shoudl endure. Im not making it up. Somehow the game went to like a 12 round game which I also have never seen before. They each had over 40 kills totally destorying my team and myself. Nothing we did worked. Point blank attacks theymoved, they also had incredible aim and were hitting people before they came out to shoot. Simply not missing. Bellsystem continued to lifegrab me over and over again throwing my game off feeding for the other team.

We have a horrible pattern out here. So in my view they should kill comp play for people who are not professionals. If you dont get paid for it or are not in a sanctioned tournament why let us ‘civilian’ players even do it? The attacks and blatant cheating are rampant right now. Teams are simply there to Feed, they are losing on purpose and when those players get on your team they throw to help their friends gain rank.

So all these "diamond’ players and top 500 players I can’t say they all earned it fairly. There is no true balance in the game if you have people that are REAL diamonds and what not playing against bronze. ITs simply not fair and i hope and hope for a ban wave soon because last night was uncalled for. They keep attacking any player that speaks out. yeah I called them out and from that point I kept getting ganged up on by the other team while the feeders on my team did not even get attacked.

What in the heck is going on with the mentality of players to the point where doing that matters so much to them just to win a game? Bliizzard needs to step up on its banning because that group does not deserve to play and neither did the feeders on my team.

So yeah attack the post, i dont care but its the truth. You guys always want to call people whiners and all this stuff but cheating does exist and anytime you got a whole team of people and ALL OF THEM ON THE TEAM ARE GETTING 50 kills a game??? Something is not right. I wish I could have saved a screenshot.

There is no real comp in comp play, just cheaters and feeders wanting to get to a higher rank to feel good about themselves at any cost.