What is the most populated rank?

People are arguing over why Mercy was banned, and I’m curious, I’d like to know! There has to be a reason for it. The hero bans are based on an algorithm, correct? I’m willing to bet that algorithm takes it’s information from the most populated rank and relies on little, if any information, from OWL pickrates.

Just unnlucky to mercy mains, Ana had more probability to be chosen.

They said it’s from high ranked games, not the most populated.


What’s Blizzard’s definition of ‘high ranked?’ Is that like diamond and up/plat and up, etc.?

Definitely not plat. Jeff talks about plats like they are bronze. Probably they are using data from GM and up.

They use data from GM+. Most populated is gold. Least populated is bronze and GM.

That doesn’t make any sense. Why would they pick hero data from one of the two least populated ranks? Thousands of players have to be affected for what maybe three or four hundred other players do? :thinking:

I realise this a a old post, but I can’t see there being to much change.
So approx 80% of the population is plat & below.

thats why no one uses this dev ban system. it’s really stupid. you cant get data from it cuz the data is skewed. like when they banned most hitscans and pharah got alot of play. pharah isnt op in any means but that data shows she is.

i know what league does is if a champ has a ban rate too high, it gets nerfed and if the play rate is low they either do a rework or buffs. blizzard really needs a new overwatch team because they are trying to cater to casuals in rank when its a competitive mode. mostly everything about competitive decision wise is really stupid about this game. prob why players and pros are quitting overwatch for valorant.

I would guess mid diamond to low gold are the largest amount of players.

High silver to mid gold is something like 38% of players. By far the lion’s share of accounts reside in that region. GM is said to be top 1%, and the OWL is top 0.1% with around 80 NA professionals. That means 32k players should be active in gold (NA).

That being said, I’ve only faced 70 unique accounts in 50 hours of playtime. Most all smurfs. The game isn’t mixing me fairly into the normal gold pool, it’s moved me asside so I can’t harm the normies.

That kind of defeats the purpose of a dev team.

Jeff is plat :rofl:
Most populated elo is gold.

because in GM+, the heroes viability has a much bigger difference, since they use near 100% of their value. They’re not going to pick from a rank where they might pick genji because they’re a weeb, and not because he could actually be possibly good/op. And the hero bans are to prevent metas from forming, and metas are only in high ranks. If only the top rank people had hero bans, then they would smurf in weeks when their hero was banned.

this is true to an extent. in reality we just get rotating metas with slight variation.

hitscans get banned, phara comes in.
phara gets a lot of playtime so she is now banned, hitscans come back in so they get alot of playtime again.

rein gets banned, orisa sig comes in. that gets a lot of playtime so it gets banned and rein comes back in and gets a lot of playtime again.
you get the idea

most populated rank is gold. check out Kaplans post he posted the % a year ago , diamond and above are the 10% of all players WW.

Right, and that’s easily seen if you watch OWL through different weeks. Still mirror matches, strong metas still seen.

What are you talking about COMPUTER PLAYER. It’s always plat because they’re toxic.