What is the Ideal 6v6 Classic Comp?

Curious what everyone’s take on this is, or if there even is a definitive answer.
I something like Rein, Zarya, Cassidy, Widow, Zen, Mercy would be pretty legit. Or is dive better?

Dive is better. Winston is better than rein, tracer is a top 3 hero in the game, discord at 50% is comically busted.

The only thing that comp really has is pretty much widow but widow should just die

Typical composition that worked best was usually two or three tanks (Zarya, Winston, Rein), one artillery or Defense-role hero (usually not a builder or Bastion), and one frontliner/flanker (Tracer, Soldier, Cassidy, Genji). And then one or two Supports.

So something like Rein/Zarya, Genji/Pharah, Mercy/Lucio tended to work best. As this was my static.

The best comp was 6 Torbjörn rushing at the enemy like Serious Sam bombers and hammering everything in sight.
When all you have is a Hammer, the enemy deinitely looks like a nail.


If the ofher 5 mates can very well pull her weight, you can throw a Symmetra in whose task is to farm her Teleporter and put it somewhere secret for a surprise comeback. She can also dissolve bunker comps.

Mines probably D.Va, Reinhardt, Bastion, Tracer, Lucio and Mercy.

This was right. Depends on what your team is good at and can execute, as well as how their team is responding to it. Doing well in 6v6 generally requires more strategy and better teamwork.

Six Tracers. Who’s ready for some pudding?

Many of the pick depend on what map or mode you play and if you are offence or defence.

Maybe you need to contest high ground and need to punish widow then winston is fantastic. Need to push choke or objectives then reinhardth becomes important…

There is not one comp that is a solution for everything.