What is the highest verified SR someone has achieved at lvl 25 and after 10 placement matches?
In theory it is technically possible to get 5000 sr on placements. But man would the stars need to align for that to happen.
highest i’ve seen on level 25 placements was 4100ish
how many placements matches until you can be fairly certain you’re in diamond? Because that’s when PBSR falls off. if PBSR falls off at 3000, I don’t see how you could end up in 4100ish. but anyway, thanks for the reply
I believe it seeds your initial comp rating off how you preform in quickplay beforehand. So if you are doing super well in that, you will likely initially go against diamonds in your first few games.
Depending on who the server chooses to place you against will have a pretty sizable impact on where you end up. If you win vs a 6stack of all 3500 players, it will boost the hecky out of your internal mmr. If you lose vs a bunch of randoms around diamonds it will majorly halt your progress.
There is very little information on this and the consensus is that you start your first placement match at the median SR ~2150. QP has no bearing on Comp, even when playing your first placement matches.
I had a second account and placed 3900. I previously thought fresh placements capped at 3500 but I learned otherwise after testing it myself leveling to 25 only in a Deathmatch FFA.
My main account average Sr is about 4300.
My guess is that you can obliterate the performance gains up to 3000 Sr in one game and then by winning 9 more where it progressively gives you higher Sr opponents.
You can also group with someone higher MMR than yourself to increase the average MMR of your games.
thx, but I’m really only talking about comp, thx though!
So am I. I’m not sure what you are saying.
You can’t play competitive until you hit level 25 though. You have to do something.
In the current game, the highest you can place is low masters. Quick play doesn’t matter. Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted
I’m guessing this was a while ago, when win streaks and performance SR above plat was still in effect.
Can confirm 3600 at least