I’m on a mission to get the highest progression level in the game but the one thing holding me back is I don’t have a specific end goal. No way to know if I’m even close to being the top. I wish there was a leaderboard of some sorts so I could see who has the highest progression level and such.
Anyhow what’s your progression level/what’s the highest progression level you’ve come across?
I start. I’m progression level 1209
how many hours is that wtf (what the flip)
thats enormous. Maybe the world record or very close. Mine is lvl 164, and highest hero level is 40 with zen. 1200+ is huge! I’ve seen a few at 500 or so, but none that high.
I’m around 600.
Kinda concerning that you’re double that
I’m currently only like 275 or something around there
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my progression level is 268 so that is like 6 times what i have. i dont play as much as i use to i guess but overall i have played overwatch a lot over the past 7 years
atm i have 4,120 hours overall on all heroes with widowmaker taking 1,147 of those hours
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Wow. I wanna play more widow but playing her makes me go insane from being targeted all game. T-T
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most of those hours are the first two years of overwatch tho with no role queue. you did get dived on then but you had quickscope, faster fire rate and there wasnt as many mobile heroes as now. still a lot of heroes were op back then too so it equaled out
I guess a streamer is cheating, but the dude is a warrior in playing this game!
Guy in my friends list is high 1200s. He certainly has gone out of his way to play heroes to get them to 10-20 since 20+ Is when the xp per lvl is capped.
Mine is 1397 currently.
1100+ hours on Rein.
5 star diamond boarder from ow1.
211 Rein progression.
5500hrs+ in total
4500 in comp
No one asked, no one cares.
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1250 hours torb sich season 6
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i am lvl 422 torb, acount lvl 1300
Ive seen roly and that’s all there is to see here
I don’t inspect people so I don’t know what highest I’ve played against is
But I can give you mine
Highest - 16
Lowest - 7
I’m NGL a progression leaderboard would be cool
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