What is mercy heal about?

That’s going to get retconned for sure, same with Lucio healing (Mercy might tinker with his tech?). Zen is 100% a playable character in the India story mission as when the monetary is set on fire, a voice tells them this: “Run into the open, little rats, or face your end in fire”.

The story mode is the lore universe, and they better use their imagination to explain away how Zen and Lucio can heal in the story missions. Otherwise their storytelling is very inconsistent. "Yeah they can heal in the game’s campaign, but in the comics they can’t :woozy_face: ".

With PvP only, and you can get away with those kind of statements, but not with a campaign that has a story narrative and is pretty much an interactive comic.

Zen floats in-lore as the christmas comic confirmed so, making up some Iris woo-hoo as to why he can heal takes only a little bit of imagination.

Since story mode is a thing, I strongly hope that those statements get retconned or explained away.

Probably. They always retcon stuff like Mercy’s age lol

I think it’d be cool if they made it so he actually physically heals people by drawing upon the Iris and expand upon the Iris and all of that stuff in PvE missions. Nepal Sanctum used to be called The Iris in concept art and was all blue and glow-y.

Also yeah they should make Lucio aura have nano-bot technology when he joins OW


Then gaslight you when you point it out. Just like with DVA being a SC2 champion.

I guess Mercy can slap those nanobots onto Brig’s repair packs as well. Mercy should be a pharma trillionaire. She can sell biotic polysporn for cuts and bruises, and bankrupt olay with her anti-aging serum.


No for real because why isn’t her technology more widely used/available in the lore :skull:


Patents :joy::joy:

No but Im sure her tech being stolen and used for things she finds disturbing, Ana’s rifle, could prevent her from trusting it being spread worldwide.

or blizz is just not that good with ow lore


Not nano bots. Nanobiotics. It’s actually a field of research that is currently being studied, to use different shapes of nanoparticles to interact with receptors to combat illness and accelerate healing.

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Why would Zen being part of the story mean his abilities get retconned? Lucio was in Hero of Numbani and didn’t do any healing.

Mercy’s age has never been retconned.

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nano technology is mind blowing. maybe stuff like in overwatch or sci fi games will be here sooner then we think. or crazy weapons and bio weapons

He’s most likely playable as a story beat had him in India with Genji, Zarya and Pharah (who are going to join new Overwatch). If they put lore Zen in the lore campaign, then he would just float and maybe only have trancendance. Lucio wouldn’t heal, and just have his support ultimate which is canon via HoN.

They can’t have this story about superheroes, and neuter certain heroes to be ‘realistic’ when Zen already floats in canon thanks to the christmas comic. They have to stay consistent as they advance Overwatch’s plot forward in the campaign.

Resurrections should be canon, just with the stipulation of it reviving the recently fallen before the body is beyond repair. So she can’t go into a cemetery and revive everyone’s grandparents. You could even have an epic moment with Zen using transcendence on fallen allies to buy more time for resurrection.

It’s a superhero story. Nobody should be watered down for realism, especially Zenyatta where it makes him a helpless omnic who floats. Discord orb in lore could give someone a ‘bad trip’ letting their guard down as their own inner demons distracts them.

I am pretty sure I read somewhere, that Moira stole Mercy´s work. You can even find Mercy´s thesis laying in Oasis on one table…

I would agree. But i think moira came up with the concept of stealing life to give life using mercys research.

I suppose we must all take some things on faith. -Zenyatta

She has something about cell regeneration - which she used on Reaper…
What is interesting, that Moira´s voice actress was lead role in series “Glitch”, where she also played scientist, who did bio - cells research and it was also about swift cell regeneration - ahe was able to heal people very quickly and bring them back from death. It´s on Netflix^^

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They literally say in a stream from a live event that she was a pro SC2 player and she even had her own website which featured SC, and for w/e reason, now they’re like, “no she doesn’t play. SC doesn’t exist in their universe. Where did you get that idea?”


Zen floating isnt special or unusual in a world with floating cars and statues.

Doctors can already revive people after death, if they’re quick enough.

We’ve seen Zenyatta use orbs in the lore already - he gives Symmetra the Orb of Perception to meditate on in Stone by Stone. They’re not weapons, they’re tools to meditate one.

Zenyatta is just an ordinary omnic monk. There’s nothing to “water down”.

Mercy’s research was published in scientific journals - Moira could just read her research, no stealing needed.

They admitted it was a retcon, no gaslighting involved. SC does exist in the Overwatch universe, but it made more sense to have D.Va be a pro at a mech sim game.

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It is just weird that they would do that, double down on it, and then say it isn’t true. She could play both.

And technically everything they do for any character already release will be retconned, as it is being added in years after the fact. It isn’t a bad thing. Just not sure why SC was one that was removed, as it was so harmless.

This is great. I don’t know who made this but I love it.

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