What is "inting"?

Just got told to be reported for it and of course the automated ban system did its thing.

I’d also like to know this.

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Intentionally feeding, or to play really bad in general.

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Playing bad is not inting and not a reportable offense, otherwise it’d be HELLA arbitrary.

When someone ints, they typically throw themselves at the enemy team because they’re mad for some reason or wanting to throw to the lowest point of the game.


Definition is vague. It literally means to intentionally feed, but a lot of people use it to describe bad play.

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Using an [int] datatype when a [string] is expected.


It’s supposed to be intentionally feeding the enemy ult charge. A lot of players just use it to justify false reports when someone on their team isn’t doing well.


It was a complete stomp game and people on my team were upset, but hey good thing automated bans are a thing for them to take their frustration out on.

AT least this gives me a chance to dust off the alt account.

Why not a [float] type?

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Isn’t this illegal?

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Speaking the language of my people.

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Because it isn’t a Macy’s Thankgiving Day parade?


It’s when I roll Sym in Mystery Heroes and I hate her so I wave at the enemy until they kill me.

Except when the McCree waved back and walked away so I had to poke him with the tickle gun.

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