What is happening with the tanks?

I don’t know if this is happening to any of you lately, but in each and every one of my last QP games the difference in skills between my team’s tank and the opposing team’s tank is abysmal, it almost seems like a bad joke.

I have never attacked anyone in the game, I fervently believe that it is not the player’s fault but the MM.

It’s almost ridiculous, it’s very noticeable that my team’s tank is new or has only been in the game for a very short time, but the enemy tank is an unstoppable beast and yes, I know what yall would say, that we are 5v5, that I need to help my tank more, etc.

And the issue here is I do it, I try to help my tank, I cover his back, I go in and out of fights with him, if I am a supp I try to be very aware of his healing, I try to use supps like Bap or Kiri to help him with abilities like the lamp or suzu.

I swear I try everything I can to help him, but I can’t control how he plays, I can’t control his repositioning, his lack of aim, of game sense.

But there is no way, the difference in levels is seriously abysmal.

I know I’m not the best player in the world, but I’ve been playing OW for years (Platinum at the moment, but at the time I reached the rank of master) and I can tell when a player is new to the game or just plain bad at it.

But as I say, I don’t consider this to be the player’s fault, but rather the MM.

Is anyone going through something similar in their games?

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Play tank yourself and find out

I also play tank, in fact ball is one of my favorite characters, last season diamond 3, currently platinum 2. :grinning:

It’s not just the tank, imo. QP’s matchmaker is quite happy sending a bunch of toddlers to fight the Navy SEALs regardless of role.

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Hahaha yes I know, I know that the search spectrum for QP games is very wide, I know that some games are not going to be fair in QP, but lately I have noticed that the tank role is the most affected, almost all my games of QP from the last week are defined by which team has the tank that seems new to the game. :man_shrugging:

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