What is Competition anyway? Let's start there

Bravo. Legit post. You and I are exactly on the same page. I’m sure there could be a few differences of opinion, but I’m confident that that would simply be a matter of preference.

You’ve said it way better, more eloquently, more comprehensible, less wordy, less ‘ranty’ (like me), than I ever could.

Thank you.

Something’s got to change and it will be for the better.

To all Players: let us unite as one and make this collectively a better game and experience and I am sure that it won’t be something Blizzard as a corporation will ever regret. If anything, it’ll boost them up like never before.

Blizzard…we are FOR you and not against you.


Thanks for the kind words, nice of you to say. :slight_smile: And I’m not so sure about that, you’ve had some great posts here as well. I appreciate how passionate you are for the game, and that your goal is to improve the landscape rather than to argue. Lead by example.

I hope so. Blizzard has plenty of lessons to learn from OW1, we’ll know soon enough whether or not anyone was paying attention.


My addition to this is all metrics for measuring rank have to be equally applied accross the ladder. IF MMR is to stay (likely) then get rid of SR, say the rank (Bronze, Gold, GM) and move on. IF MMR is to go, use SR as the balancing, and just put silvers with silvers or golds with golds… and you should only see another rank if you’re with 50-100 of promotion, or demotion. and PBSR should apply across the ladder, or not (either one, I prefer it only counts wins and losses, but I do see the merit of keeping PBSR) We have one half of the ladder playing for stats, while the other half plays for wins.

As my anecdotal evidence- I consistently see golds on the other team, while I’ll have unranked, bronze ranked, and silver ranked on my teams. Why? I don’t know where I belong now. Someone on my team has a “gold” MMR, but a silver SR… and I guess it’s me, but who knows, maybe I consistently get put on a team with someone with a gold MMR.

If I’m silver, let me be silver and not play against better players with worse teammates. I can almost… almost determine a loss before the game starts just by the badges on the team. If I’m a gold, then put me with golds so I can get back up to my rank where I should be… don’t make it harder for me to climb back up with people supposedly one level underneath my current ranking against someone above my current ranking. I don’t think I’m the best. There are players here who can whoop me in game, I know this. before the “do you think you should be top 500?” crowd responds, no I don’t… but I don’t want to be handicapped on every match because I used to one trick a lot… and using my open profile… you can see that even though I have barely touched my one trick in the last bunch of seasons… I have many more hours on that one trick. And I think it affects me personally.

TLDR: The measurement should all be the same in competitive, i prefer MMR gone, PBSR can stay if it’s applied across the board, if not… gotta go. and I love this game, Lucio is still my favorite character, but I don’t play him anymore specifically because I believe it is hurting me now on this account.

What strikes me is the attitude that is displayed here in the forum.

Both the “good” players (from Diamond upwards) and the “average” players report frustrating matches.

The difference is that most good players optimize their own performance and really rarely criticize their teams and the matchmaker, even if there is often reason to do so.

The bad to mediocre players, however, see the problems almost exclusively in external factors. This makes sense, since they basically feel helpless, but what’s the reason for that? They don’t (yet) have the skills to react confidently or reliably to different situations. Therefore, it seems to them as if only external circumstances are responsible for their failure. Which is kinda… true, as there is a lack of awareness and willingness to improve.

Honestly, that counts as a metaphor even outside of Overwatch.

And even when bad players improve for a period of time, they expect immediate and lasting validation of their success. When this does not happen, they see it as evidence of a conspiracy and GIVE UP. In this phase, the players throw consciously or unconsciously (tilting) and drop back to their old SR range and feel confirmed that there is an evil force pushing them back. I KNOW how that feels, because I once was like that, too.

What has really happened here is that the games have become harder because the higher-ranking players have better mechanics and are more likely to punish mistakes. In return, they use tricks and gimmicks that you have to get used to. Therefore, it is absolutely normal to experience greater fluctuations until you have adapted to this way of playing. This is called training.

Climbing more than 300 SR makes games significantly more difficult, when you play at your current skillcap, so you shouldn’t be surprised that the games become more sweatier for you.

I think this is what separates successful and self-satisfied people from unhappy and less successful people: personal responsibility and an ambitious, stable and optimistic attitude. Professionals don’t get rattled that easily.

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That’s simply not true

Have you never seen any of the ow twitch streamers??

They criticize their teammates




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Totally. The amount of rage you see in upper ranks is insane. You’re talking about people who take the game more seriously than anyone. How could there possibly be LESS salt, stress, and frustration there?

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that is a forum problem. I rarely blame my teammates for losses. Unless they start destroying morale, or are throwers. I blame the matchmaker for giving me higher ranked players on the enemy team, and lower ranked ones on mine. consistently.

Also a blanket statement. I want this account to equal my others. This is MY ACCOUNT. the other is a practice one with hero’s I was (relatively) trash at (DPS SPECIFIC) so I could learn them and place where I should … how shocked was I when i placed, and held multiple seasons in a higher rank than I am on this one… one switch account to play on the train, and one PC account to play with my cousin. (imagine my shock when I placed HIGHER ON PC on my main then I ever had on this account)

I think it’s reductive to say all players who have issues with the Matchmaker (MMR) and how it works… are the same

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Saying a match is frustrating is quite literally criticizing the matchmaker. After all, its that very matchmaker that gave the frustrating match in the first place.