What influenced the devs to make Tracer a lesbian?

they said that other lgbt heroes already exist, so i don’t see why they would feel pressure knowing they have an ace card

they’re waiting for an appropriate time to share

If the community forces a LGBT+ character, it ruins the organic creation process/personality of said character.


The number of threads about LGBT speculation is so small as to be irrelevant in terms of pressure applied. I think you may be overreacting.

I’ll say this…it’s handled better than Korra’s execution. It was a bold move, but I don’t think it did any damage because it seemed like it was planned from Titan’s concept. Korra’s is a perfect example of forced regardless of it being planned.

Seems so, it did feel organic. A surprise, but not a forced surprise.

I really don’t think there has to be. Why does there have to be, if I may ask? Just look at her.

I’d rather ask why they made Tracer the mascot. I really expected it to be Winston or 76.


Korra’s was built up from pretty much the very start of the show…

You can tell when something is forced and something flows right.

No it wasn’t. More like season 3 to 4.

It was a PR move motivated by the current climate in society. Assigning sexuality to a character in this game, with lore this shallow, is just pointless and it was only made to create a vortex of attention around OW. Either that or the decision was made by the exact same kind of people it was made for.


Why would it be forced? What is there to gain from forcing?

Well that’s your opinion, and I respect it. I’ve just always seen as LGBT+ reveals to be controversial, and I’m always curious to know what caused the creator(s) to make a character LGBT+.

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What kind of people are those?

negative feedback of course.

Why would anyone force a character then?

Pretty sure Korra’s was just poor writing, for the relationship.
That’s why it came off as forced.

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People obssesed with labels and representation. At all cost and beyond reasoning.

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Probably because it was 2016 and it’s about time? LGBT people exist, let’s make one instead of every hero ever being straight?

I don’t make a character gay because I have some sort of impetus. I just make them gay. That’s it.

But not ‘normal’ people? It couldn’t just be depicting ‘normal’ people just being ‘normal’?

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You gotta ask the higher ups on that one. My guess is sometimes they push it to favor a specific movement for gains. Sometimes it works and sometimes it’s completely obvious. It all falls down on how well it’s executed.

Precisely :slight_smile:

If it is to appease a specific movement for gains would it not stand to reason that that appeasement would occur earlier than the series finale?

Really, because nobody was expecting that in any public way. A lot of people thought Zarya might be gay, but when Tracer had that comic even the happiest people were more like “Wait, what…? Cool!”

You sure this isn’t just the 20/20 hindsight thing?