What im i doing wrong

i have more sr than some people in top 500 but i dont appear there. i already have more than 50 games.

I think this is still up to date.

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oh, thanks! i didnt know that

You’re in diamond?

You definitely don’t have more SR than people in T500. I know that T500 support lowest is 4.2 right now.

Maybe you are looking at a person with combined SR that is in T500? but I’m sure one or more of their roles is mid GM.

So maybe if you’re seeing someone who is 3k DPS, but 4.2k in support and 4.2k in Tank and T500 it’s probably because it’s the combined T500 role.

There are 4 T500s


lol no, im on 3062 on 3v3.

Well I didn’t know it was 3v3 and I assume most people would think it’s normal competitive you were talking about too.

Pretty sure for comp like that it’s 50 games (unless 3v3 has role queue now, I didn’t play it yet so idk)