What if we just gave all of the 'weak' DPS 50 more health?

It would make them a lot less squishy. Maybe they’d stand up to Goats better and be able to do their jobs once again.

I’m thinking everyone but the snipers (Hanzo, Ashe, Widow) and the flankers (Genji, Tracer). Not sure about Mei, Bastion, and Reaper either (but not entirely unsure about Reaper, he needs something).

Mccree and symmetra should have 250 hp - no question.

Sombra doesn’t need it, she needs her kit to be more reliable. It’s literally impossible to hack a moving target if you have high ping.

Ironically Reaper is one of the weakest heroes currently and he has 250 health. Issues run deeper than small fixes. They need serious adjustments.

I’d prefer these changes:
📝 Patch Notes for 2019, idea

Kinda did a brain dump of my honest opinions of what everybody needs.

Pharah needs 50 armor on top of her 200 hp more than anyone else in existence :joy:

  1. She is the most visually armored non-tank in the game
  2. She has the largest hitbox out of any squishy due to her wings and also how she spreads out her legs obnoxiously wide while airborne

I’d prefer this stuff for Pharah:
𓂀 Pharah ideas thread

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I kinda like this change myself because it makes the weak DPS better without being deadlier. And it indirectly nerfs the strong DPS without actually nerfing them against tanks and supports.