What if the the pistol buffs for valk went live?

For those who don’t know, they wanted to add these buff to valk back when Mercy 2.0 was nrwly introduced (correct me if O’m wrong):



  • increased pistol fire rate to 7 rounds per second
  • increased damage to 30 per bullet
  • increased projectile travel speed

Imagine all the Nano Mercys flying around XD


I’d rather they buff the weak part of Mercy’s kit. Her damage has never really been a problem, everything else except dmg boost needs changes.

I agree but I just find it kinda funny how much they originally planned on buffing her pistol.

But I guess the many Nano Valk Mercy vids at that time changed their mind XD

I mean Valkyrie is a truly terrible ultimate. They pretty much reworked mercy from being delicious warm baguette with butter to being stale bread. They needed the ultimate to be good so that Mercy would be more viable- so they added on random things. Without the gimmicks valk had, it’s an awful ultimate, as we see now.


It’s funny how even if they did this Valk would just be a worse dps version of Moiras ult🤷‍♀️
Valk still wouldnt go through shields and you’d have to have a larger hitbox lmao plus you wouldnt be able to heal+dps at the same time.


Oh, I prefer that for mercy. I would have preferred dropping chains in favor of moth speed and dmg because that is what mercy controls.

Her autonomy. Her skill.

Not chains


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I really hope they give Mercy something soon. Even 55 hps would be fine, or honestly just buff to 60 and try it on experimental.

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The only pistol buff I want is a drastically lower swap speed.

I’m sure damage boost is all peaches and cream for people in the upper echelons of play, but down here in the pits of Hades, it’s boring to slap a blue noodle on a person and hope you’re helping.


Just increase the damage from 20 to 25 so it takes 8 instead of 10 bullets to do 200 dmg and 10 instead of 13 to do 250, nothing else. Strong, but not OP

OR increase damage to 24 so it takes 9 bullets for 200 dmg but drastically increase weapon swap speed.

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she’s already nuts in valk, if they did that you’d never get healed during it so probably good they didn’t

Oh yeah right. Thanks for reminding me.

Mercy used to have 11mps base speed during valk when it was on the PTR, now it’s only 9mps tho :frowning:

It is also kinda hard to believe that GA in valk used to be 50mps hahahah, even the 25mps now make you unkillable if used right.

Didn’t they go live? I swear I remember Nano-Mercy actually being a strat, esp with the flight speed she initially launched with.

Am I officially losing it?

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It was more like 35m/s

No the only things that went live are:

  • Infinite ammo
  • increased projectile speed from 50mps to 100mps

Edit: sry i corrected it.

It has been nerfed by exactly 50% the speed, now it is 25mps means it was 50mps

Yeah…I loved it that.

If Mercy’s final Valkyrie had been

Increase flight speed
Pistol dmg increased 10%
Ga speed like…30-40
Pistol speed increased
Rez cast reduced to 1 second
Heal beam 65
Dmg beam 35

I would have been actually…fairly fine with the rework.

Like mercy is beefy mercy with emphasis on her own choices.

*Numbers not final as I’m just throwing the idea around.
But I think I made my point

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Guess I was reading about it from people with PTR access then.

I don’t think people would like it tbh. I mean I’d have a great time, but my team… Not so much.

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I want this. If Mercy gets a buff, I want it to be battle mercy. As it is I already go battle mercy vs. Ashe’s, Widows & Anas, with the addition of Echo I feel like Mercy needs more lethality to fight back :slight_smile:

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I feel you both so much hahaha

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Nope. The speed bonus got nerfed by 50% not overall speed. It was 100% speed bonus and now it’s 50%.

That is one of the things that do need changing