What if sombra gets a complete rework like sym?

Would sombra mains be happy? Maybe the devs are watching the reaction from sym so that they don’t bring heavier conflict in the community about 2 topics.

No, I don’t think she needs it.

What she needs is for Blizzard to demonstrate that they do a modicum of playtesting with her. It’s clear from her bugs, live, and the new ones on PTR, that that simply isn’t the case.

They actually hate her.


Or maybe the bugs are hard to fix, because coding is a feisty mfer sometimes.


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I mean if they could fix it why else would they not. Even rien shatter bugs have been for ages already while only doomfist gets so many.

Only a lot of the older cast needs a rework, Sombra herself is fine. Frankly, the only thing that Sombra needs is removing the 2-second cooldown for Hack being interrupted.

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Some acknowledgement of them would be nice. We’ve seen none, and it took months for players’ to draw attention to Doomfist’s multiple bugs before they were even looked at.

Hard to fix or not doesn’t matter if they’re ignorant of them. The present TL bug on PTR makes her unplayable on a lot of maps; it’s the kind of thing that should have been spotted in internal playtesting on day 1 if they actually used her, and therefore fixed before it got to PTR. This is lackadaisical at best.

No, they need to fix the LoS logic behind hack. It doesn’t matter if there is a 2sec cd because once it fails due to poor logic, your cover is blown.

This is just one among many bugs they need to fix regarding Sombra now…especially with the new ptr patch.


All she really needs are bug fixes. It would be kind of stupid for Blizzard to do a full rework because she’s literally broken. Sym got a rework because the entirely community saw her actual gameplay as a joke, but she worked just fine.


It wouldn’t really change much, what sombra mains are upset by is the lack of response we’re getting on these things

Basically this. It goes like this:
She got buffed for two weeks, and suddenly she’s op(nothing statistically reflects that, but pros cried and they get paid to play video games so it must be bad to make such people sad.)
She gets nerfed, and her kit is now broken.
All of this crying and game breaking was because people couldn’t handle 0.15 second speed increase.
So, she definitely doesn’t need it. She needs to be noticed


But she doesn’t need one, she can be easily buff to good spot, it just the devs are too lazy to fix her bugs

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Sombra doesn’t need a rework, she just needs her bugs fixed A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #34 by Xaron-1831


When they do finally acknowledge a post, I really hope it’s yours

I"ve got 7 of them to choose from. And it’ll be the first blue post I’ve gotten that wasn’t a troll.

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We all know she doesn’t NEED a rework but apparently she is so unfun to play against that Blizz would rather let her rot than to fix her bugs or even buff her. I think she will get reworked eventually. Maybe in a year or so.

They’re aware of it, some of her bugs are on other heroes as well, so they put workarounds in how the character works to cover them up. Sombra had workarounds like the 0.1s grace and hack continuously retrying if you hold down the button, these and others like it lets her abilities work through the bugs most of the time. They were removed.

Considering how everyone affected had a workaround instead of fixing the root of the bug, it’s probably an issue with the game engine and after all this time, you can’t rely on waiting for Sombra to get fixed if you’re waiting for them to fix the engine.

Sombra will have to have her workaround reinstated, her abilities changed or recoded from the ground up, or her fundamental kit changed altogether.

I honestly don’t want a rework, I just want them to actually fix her bugs and fix the issue that is hindering her.

Somvra’s Ideal changes to Sombra :sparkling_heart:

  • Reduce her Stealth’s Delay from 0.7 seconds to 0.5 seconds

Somvra Comments: With all these changes, it will help Sombra from feel so less clunky, as the delay hinders her a hero. With this she can move in and out of Stealth more fluently.


  • EMP when activated now resets Sombra’s Translocator

Somvra Comments: Many typically use this following combo
→ Translocate - Stealth- EMP- Translocate out. This change will help promote more way to contribute and play aggressive without hindering nor leaving your team with a 5v6.

Base Movement Speed

  • Increase from 5.5mph to 6.0mph

Somvra Comments: This thread below explains it all. Link Below.


  • Now display a sugar skull above the hacked opponent head.

Somvra Comments: This is a nice QoL changes that can also help not only the player who is playing Sombra, but also the team to notified a better visual of who is hacked.

These are changes I would like to see first.

EDIT: I want to add self-heal ultimate charge for only when Sombra heals herself with an hacked health pack, as I don't think that would make her overpowered/ broken at all.

She needs her stupid 2 second cooldown and LoS nerfs reverted. There was no reason for those. That and some bug fixes and she’ll be fine.