What if roll queue was optional?

Besides the wait times, for many players 2-2-2 has been a major success. At its core it is really just a better form of LFG, in that you don’t have picky group leaders who will kick you over stats, for tanks and supports its much quicker to get a team and get into a game, and you also don’t get matched and rolled against 6 stack teams that play all the time together. It would be a shame and even an injustice to many players to get rid of it. But of course, many dps like the old free role system better, primarily because of wait times, and lesser because some say roll lock restricts creative and unorthodox compositions. What if you had the option to do both? If you could queue in a 2–2-2, or instead, if you wanted a quicker game you could just queue the old way with no role select? I can’t see any downside to this. I’m surprised no one from Blizzard has tossed this out to the community to assess the feedback. At the very least they should try it on the ptr. Thoughts?


Even longer queue times for both because you split the playerbase even more


I don’t really like role queue in the first place, but it seems the developers like it so I guess it stays.

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Outside of competitive, it is optional with quick play classic. You can even earn character achievements in classic.


Yeah, the devs and a very large percent of the player base.

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It’s not my fault that role queue is here, I don’t like it, and I can’t do much about it.

It’s obvious the devs don’t really care anymore, why do you bother even saying that?

playerbase is not as big anymore and splitting would only make things worse


That’s not how it works. For example, adding more lines at the airports for the different types of travelers tends to streamline things and get them on the plane quicker. But even if this were the case, then I think you could take out other modes to consolidate the player base such as removing the unpopular LFG and revert Quick Play back to having no role lock.

Because you can’t have groups able to play whatever facing against groups forced into 2-2-2.

Goats would be back immediately.

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But this used to happen all the time. Before roll queue If you queued LFG during off hours and there isn’t another 6 stack available you would be matched against a team of randoms in a 1-4-1.

…but they chose to rollout in 1-4-1, they sat in spawn and consciously picked that fourth DPS. They weren’t locked into it by the game, and unable to swap roles after a failed push or two.

And that’s exactly why we needed and got 2/2/2.

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I honestly wish we didn’t get 2/2/2


I think you’re misunderstanding the concept. I’m saying that 2-2-2 would be an option, and right next it would be another option to queue with no role lock whatsoever, just like the quick play classic format. You won’t be forced to choose it, and you won’t be locked into your role when you start a game in that format. The match maker would first try to match you against a team that queued in the same mode. In peak hours this would be easy to do. In off hours, yes, you might get matched against a 2-2-2 team, but this was always the case since LFG has been around anyway.

… Its called quickplay classic.


I said this so many times.
Options should of been a choice, not forced.

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Because once they separated the SR between individual roles, it’s far too easy to game the system without a role lock.


just play quickplay classic dude

Lol. I see what you did there. But seriously, I love role queue. And I play tank so my queue times are quick. I just don’t think it’s fair for the dps who have to wait 10 min for a game.

Depends on who goes where…the common thinking is most of the dps will rush to the non restricted one to avoid queue times…which ironically lowers queue times for those that prefer that restricted option

I don’t think it’s correct to just assume the times go up…