What if Reaper could shotgun jump?

Overwatch hasn’t lasted 20 years, Yet.

Why does Reaper need this? He has a balanced playstyle right now, teleporting to the back, getting close and shooting people while having lifesteal for his damage, and when he’s done or if he needs to, he can escape using Wrath Form. So, knowing this is (in a very basic standpoint) how you play Reaper, how would this shotgun jump even squeeze into his gameplay? How would you end up using it? It’s just difficult to see why should he get this ability. What does it do for him, besides give him more mobility? Why does he need more mobility in the first place? There’s a lot of questions that still need to be answered, and although I get where the idea’s coming from, I just don’t think Reaper should be able to do this, as cool and reasonable as this would be.

How’s this been working out?

Stealth doesn’t really work with a char as loud as reaper, so i would prefer him to have some form of burst mobility instead.

Like literally every other flanker


…while yelling like Tarzan?

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How about we just let him fly while wraith forming?

Seriously though- were there many major “down sides” to him being able to do this on the April fools exp?

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See, i don’t want him to have to use wraith as both a get in and a get out

Giving him a dash of sorts like Androxus could work, or give him shotgun jumps like that handsome forums user suggested.

Which is where shadow step comes in.

I’d be hesitant to give reaper a third straight up mobility ability, considering the context of his current two- and feel that tethering mobility to one of the already existing cooldowns is probably a better / more feasible means to augment reaper for such a context

french laughing


I still say Reaper is in a Fine Spot
I am not against trying new Ideas but I would more be fine with just trying buffs for him
(I used to main Reaper BTW)

Actually, really well. I don’t insta-die cause I know how to teleport to the right places at the right timing a lot of the time. (plus, I simplified what you actually do, there’s more to Reaps than my simplified discribtion I said in my last post)

would have been nice if she had that ability to begin with. world of warcraft assassination rogue hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

What if Zen could stack balls and get to higher places?