What if OW2 is just GONE tomorrow?bonus: looking4 math=4y?

With the Hero Mastery stuff discontinued… (PVE removal vibes)

I have no idea what they are planning to continue. (Imagine if remaining Devs are just fired by Microsoft like others.)

Half expecting to just hear OW just disappears one day… which was always a possibility. Because it just seems possible compared to elsewhere.

Games have been removed before. (Currently recall a legal battle in France over this but that doesn’t involve OW.)

JUST IMAGINE if OW2 just “poofs” one day, gone, self deleted. (And everyone at Team 4 is fired.)

edit: There is likely a calculated future point date where OW is likely lost more then they gained.

**But not a math guy… Bonus points though who can figure that out… **

Because that’s likely the real date.

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i prob go back to just playing WoW or my emulators

OW is the first shooter i managed to play for more than like a few days since CS 1.6…everything else in between then and now (and even current games) was boring by comparison

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If this game ever gets shuts down. Life goes on although the community will be mad. Nothing really anyone can do about it than enjoy it.


I guess I’d still be playing FFXIV and being like “oh shoot that kinda sucks”


One can only hope. Unfortunately, the community is here to stay in these types of games. Now that gaming has gone completely mainstream, expect horrendous match quality.

Why ask the question if we’re not there yet, unless that’s what you really want.

OW2 is my go to multiplayer game atm, but if it were unavailable, I have plenty of unplayed games in my backlog.

Its not a matter of what if… It will be gone one day so enjoy the time you have with it while its here. Too many times we complain about the weirdest stuff but when the game is no longer around we turn around and say man even tho i hated it at the time now i kinda miss it. All online games have a limited life expectancy and when its not profitable for the company to maintain thats when it gets shut down or retooled to make the player base enthralled with it again. One thing we all can do is give blizz ideas one what to do to help it grow so that they dont see the need to shut it down.

Rally do not want to think about that, hopefully it’s like 10+yrs from now because ever since 2016 I’ve been massively addicted to this game and don’t see that ever changing. Yeah there are some competitors releasing such as the marvel game and the valve game that’ll probably flop once people realize it’s more Moba like but the thing is none of the existing competitors ever gave me the same rush of dopamine that Overwatch gives me also they just don’t feel as smooth as OW does gameplay wise.

I think a thing OW haters will never admit even tho it’s true is that it genuinely has great gameplay, I think some of the hate from casual gamers come from them realizing that they might not be as good at games as they thought they were.

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I doubt anything will ever replace overwatch for me.

There are just too many memories around this to replace the game

Too many friends made
Battles fought

Potgs exported

Voice lines spammed

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I suppose I would have no choice but to return to Dead by Daylight. I probably will do that regardless once they add Jason. If I am returning to Multiversus for Jason, I owe it to Dead by Daylight to do the same. Multiversus was just a cash grab and I will probably be finished before the end of the season if they ain’t change too much. At least Dead by Daylight is a real game. I could have kept playing it if Overwatch Dos flopped.

It has been sorta gone for me already since the start of OW2.

I am also starting to get tired of shooters. After playing them for more than 20 years, it feels like I have seen it all.

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World of Warcraft and the 200+ games in my Steam library. Also have a Switch, Ps5 and Xbox Series X so i’m pretty well catered for.

wdym “what if”? then we’ll have to find another game to play :woman_shrugging: it’s that simple

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I’ll hear about OW closing down the same day the announcement is released, but I’ll only open the article to read the details a few days later while browsing on the toilet. I reckon that’s about a healthy level of carrying about OW.

It’s not exactly a monument to engagement anymore is it. They tried to squeeze and optimise engagement based metrics so much that it overwhelmed the core enjoyment experience.

What if cigarettes were just GONE one day?

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The world would be a better place probably.


As a former heavy smoker that would be the best thing ever

What if vague doomer posts were just GONE one day? Well, I would probably carry on much the same as I always have.

Sym 2.0 is still gone, OP, and there are no signs of that changing. I would move on if I were you.


Hopefully it will. The game is getting trashed more and more every season. Then I will just sell my pc and move on to consoles and play much better games there!

lol why? I’ve better things to do … if it was gone one day well idk what the point of even thinking about that is :joy: if it’s it’s gone it’s gone. But atm it’s here :man_shrugging:

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