What if OW2 is just GONE tomorrow?bonus: looking4 math=4y?

Eh, back to TF2 we go.

One of the big ‘problems’ with Overwatch/Overwatch 2 is that it’s basically impossible to run private servers for it. Seems like Blizzard was determined to avoid a WoW situation. Either that or it’s a remnant of the original Titan design.

I would hope that if Blizzard was going to completely abandon Overwatch as an IP at some point, they’d at least put in one final amount of effort to offer a dedicated server for it so people could run their own instances. But let’s be real, I don’t think they would.

Having said that, it’s not like they aren’t making money from Overwatch. I don’t think it’s going anywhere.


Uhh… Is this a joke post? You do realize this is a “live service game” and it WILL be taken down eventually. Same as Fortnite, WoW, Apex Legends, Warframe, etc…

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As long as Kiriko and Mercy mains keep buying skins OW is safe.

Overwatch likely still makes enough money from holiday skins to avoid the Microsoft fireball.

(Should have just said tomorrow instead of one day. To get the point across, doing an edit.)


With even well performing studios getting axed, it is questionable how much is “enough” money. Not to mention, OW will be expected to make its money back. It will be no surprise if it goes into maintenance mode at best if it fails.

I guess it would be like when OW1 was just gone except this time I can’t even come to the forums to laugh at it anymore.

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Use the assets we have and make our own Overwatch.

And Blizzard lawyers coming knocking at your door.

With that said if OW1 private servers become a thing, you can bet Blizzard will be very quick to launch OW classic.

oh nooo not the overwatcherino. anyway…

Still playing it after 14 years.

tru tru, there will never be a world w/o underdeveloped brains backed by parental funding

Master has given Sintown a sock! Master has presented Sintown with clothes - Sintown is free!

It would kinda suck but it also wouldn’t, I’d play my backlog of single player games.

If it was non-existent tomorrow, I’d care because it’s my favorite game but somewhere deep inside me, I wouldn’t care

It is what it is. I would be sad, but not for long. I am currently playing other games anyway, because how unrewarding it feels to play the game.

PvP, obviously. Its good that all the side projects that eat a ton of time are getting canceled. The modes are neither popular nor good.

if it just disappeared all of a sudden then i go back to battlefield games. probably try all of them and the 2042 one

for my online pvp fix i mean

actually ill admit i play ow for the ladies so maybe i might try the dead or alive series or paladins since yea… lovely ladies

All good things come to an end.

OW1 came to an end. This was sad; we will move on, though.

If OW2 died, it can burn to the ground.


They suddenly took the game away from the Chinese, without giving them any real explanation, and if they tried to enter the game with a VPN they would block their account, so ask them, they are the ones who already experienced that situation.

A world would be a better place. Second hand smoking was most likely the reason I developed asthma and was even hospitalised for asthma attacks as a child. Yes, it’s partly genetic, but without second hand smoke I’m 99.9% sure I would’ve never developed asthma. I don’t have asthma anymore thankfully and only had it as a child.

Cigarettes provide more harm than good to society. Coffee/caffeine is the only stimulant that should be legal. Nicotine and e-cigarretes/vapes can stay, but cigarettes that emmits harmful smokes needs to go.

As for Overwatch, if it’s gone one day, other MOBA hero shooters will replace the playerbase. It will be a downgrade at first, but eventually, it could start becoming as polished as Overwatch with enough healthy competition and player demand for more.

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Goin back to fighting games then