Why a gotta smak sjdfkajdks? They didn’t do nuthin to you!
She was originally promoted as as “powerful, single target healer.”
It’s truer now, because she can’t juggle targets that much without risking one of them dying due to her lower HPS. If it was perhaps 55 HPS, it’d be better.
Then the logic is flawed as she can only do one thing at a time opposed of the rest of the support.
Mercy has to either has to choose to heal or damage boost or deal damage. This is where her skill comes into play as she can only preform one task at a time.
All the other supports can at least preform 2 task at a time, which is Deal Damage and Heal at the same time. If Mercy is not supposed to be a main healer, then she needs to be abled to preform other tasks like the rest of the supports.
At this point in time, is she even a secondary healer?
She doesn’t have enough HPS to be a main healer and not enough utility to be a secondary/off-healer.
So, she’s in a weird, obnoxious spot.