Dont worry, this is not a Mercy mimimimi Thread.
I’m just curious since everyone is complaining that her healing is too low. Isn’t it possible that she’s meant to be a secondary healer now?
Lets discuss.
Dont worry, this is not a Mercy mimimimi Thread.
I’m just curious since everyone is complaining that her healing is too low. Isn’t it possible that she’s meant to be a secondary healer now?
Lets discuss.
She just doesn’t offer enough to be a secondary healer. Most of the secondary healers have good damage output or powerful utility. For example, Zenyatta tears people up with his attacks and Discord Orb.
Mercy’s damage boost has just been nerfed so much when they removed its synergy with ultimates to the point where the only thing she really does well now is heal. They’d need to give her more to juggle with to fit the secondary healer role, especially in terms of damage or utility.
Then Blizzard should say that. They called her a strong solo target healer and everyone has always played her as a main healer and Blizzard ha never said anything for us to believe otherwise.
Well, what if Mercy is supposed to be a main healer?
The issue isn’t that she can’t be an off healer… The issue is that as an off-healer, she isn’t even good at it. My two cents.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
That would be bad because her core design is to be focused on heals
She revolves around healing, that’s her thing, her core design is a pascifist who focuses on helping people
Her literal being is to heal and support
So that would be and design if she wasn’t a main healer
well, right now she makes for a pretty crap off-healer too if that’s the case
They said that she was supposed to have the highest overall healing (not hps) in the game, so no.
In addition, her kit does not provide the kind of utility that secondary healers are supposed to have to make up for their lower hps. Damage boost is lackluster, and rez isn’t anymore readily available than an ult.
if she’s a secondary healer (like many upset mercy players are saying) she doesnt have enough damage to compete with the other off healers for the role since they are meant to bring damage utility and low healing mercy only brings 2 and it isn’t enough to compete, as a main healer she works because there focus is healing and if they have utility/damage thats just icing on the cake
I think she gives more than enough to be a second healer. Like, who said that a secondary healer has to have a lot of damage output etc.?
No one, but all of the other off-healers could at least damage and heal at the same time. Mercy cannot, and that is arguably one of the problems with her being an off-healer.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
Because a supports job is to heal or to provide team wide utility and damage. If her job isn’t to heal, it has to be to augment killing power. And she doesn’t do that well at all.
Without Mercy being a strong solo healer, her kit starts to fall a part,compounded by the previous nerfs.
Example, her resurrection has two second delay that leaves her and team exposed. She’s a sitting duck and free kill to the enemy team. In the 2-3 seconds to resurrection, another teammate is bleeding out 150-200 hp or dead. The only thing that off set that risk was she had strong solo heals to catch up. With weaker heals to point it can’t keep up lowest damage dealers in the game, meaning you just end up feeding the other team ult or throwing at times.
Other support characters have better, offense, defense, healing, utility without sacrificing your teammates. Resurrection with slow heals or delays, basically means exposing yourself to enemy team for free kill, or gambling your teammates welfare to swap/trade with another teammates who’s downed.
Mercy was designed to be top heavy on heals and resurrection because she has poor offense and defense. Now that shes bad at offense/defense/support she’s even considered a throwing or feeding by Bronze Players. Blizzard took away her effective heals and resurrection but didn’t compensate her to be remotely balanced. Mercy pick rate/win rate are horrible. Every other support does much better in team games and even deathmatch.
She doesn’t have a defensive ult and her primary job is too heal. She also doesn’t offer damage or much utility. Before her rework she even had 0 utility as she had no E. It doesn’t really make any sense that she would be originally supposed to be an off support.
She is a main healer for mobile DPS because she can fly around the map and hold m1 on them.
For Tanks it’s Ana or Moira because they have less mobility but can put out high numbers and tank blobs.
Right now the meta is tank deathball so moira and Ana are picked more currently
If a secondary healer doesnt have a high damage output they have more utility and burst to compensate (lucio has speed boost and boop plus amp it up, brigitte has armor pack shield bash and boop) not to mention off healers have ultimates great for defending against the enemy team mercy’s ultimate is not that at all unless the enemy team is 6 moiras each attacking a different target, Lucio’s is great for blocking burst damage with his latest ult buff letting his teammates survive bombs trans has great hps allowing teammates to survive through sustained ultimates and brigitte just says switch off that low damage per shot hero right now or lose with her ult
Im not saying that she’s originally meant to be a secondary healer! I’m saying that she’s meant to be one NOW after her changes!
of course and I’m saying she just doesnt compete if she is supposed to
If she’s an off-healer I expect a new ultimate worthy of an off-support, just saying. Many justified Valkyrie being terrible with all main supports have worse supportive ultimates than off-supports, otherwise people wouldn’t play them as much!
It was meant to @CaseyTries
Considering how poorly she is doing currently… Is she?
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.