What if Hanzo had hitscan-sized arrows?

Just realized the only meta hero atm that needs to aim is zenyatta. How did the game get this dumbed down?

But why shouldn’t they? It would actually take aim (as if somehow he didn’t currently LOL)


Spamming into the choke doesn’t take aim so Zen is also a no aim hero.


OWL being too effective on high skill DPS so they had to make supports EZWIN heroes, and support mains being unwilling to actually get their DPS to peel/make callouts and just wanted a “delet this” button for anyone who DARED try to engage on their precious supports.

Zen is a boss hero though and one of the only balanced/non-OP heroes in the meta at the moment besides Rein.

Zarya kinda fits in the balanced category except her ult just has zero counterplay. It was actually pretty balanced before they made it disable every ability in the game besides fade.

They should. It would be one of the few things they could do without touching any of his other abilities and damage numbers which would make him potentially balanced.

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They did that and made projectiles completely buggy phasing through enemy hitboxes. Thats why they had to revert that.
You can make his arrows only hitscan size when you make him actual hitscan.


They are already the smallest projectiles in the game.


I’m actually okay with making Hanzo hitscan, but the damage has to be scaled down to make up for it.

I don’t know, Blizzard had terrible history with changing hit-box in this game (Doomfist, Junkrat )

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you wouldn’t quote this if you actually read first post

The arrows are so quick he is effectively hitscan at close to medium range and his had projectile sized hitbox makes him easier to get value

His arrows aren’t that large TBH. Ana’s projectiles are more or less the same as hitscan, and his projectiles are only slightly larger. People just assume he has a massive arrow hitbox because, in reality, hero hitboxes are pretty enormous across the board. I think t’s just more salient with Hanzo because he can one-shot kill any 200 HP hero, whereas most other characters have to land a few shots first, so you don’t tend to notice it before they correct their aim.

I literally got a hanzo potg where i didn’t aim got 2 headshots (one on a hanzo and one on widow) then a 3rd which was SO BS it was hilarious

Isn’t that just missing shots?

For serious though, making up for bugs by simply making a character broken is not an argument for good design, quite the opposite.

I’ve seen this argument so often that it may as well read:

Don’t kid yourself, Hanzo arrows being the smallest projectile in the game is like being the shortest guy in an NBA team. You’d still be pretty damn tall.

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No, it was a no hit recognition bug. They reverted the projectile hitboxes on all heroes and gave Hanzo an exclusive 33% hitbox reduction, which made it still one of the smallest projectiles in game tied with Genji shurikens. Hanzo was broken underpowered for the majority of the game, but thanks to the memes people got him nerfed.

Another exampel for making hitboxes more generous to prevent bugs is Genjis deflect which made it so you could headshot him through it when it was accurate in vertical size.


Is there any video of this? I’d be quite curious to see how this actually played out or if it’s just one of those developer update things they say… (such as “We don’t want to force a meta”)

Zen? not hanzo… wtf zen has bigger projectiles than hanzo does. uncle geoff has already stated that hanzo arrows are tied for the smallest projectiles in the game with genji stars

if hes so easy to use then main him and get into gm. EZPZ

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The part people fail to mention in this arguement is that projectiles have a bigger target to hit. When you see enemy hurtboxes they have a red outline around them. Hitscan weapons have to hit within these outlines to register as a hit, whereas projectiles are able to hit the outlines themselves.

Hanzo’s issue is that not only does he have the fastest projectiles, he also has by far the highest damaging. This is ridiculous IMO, and the main reason that the speed changes need reverting.

People say this but I don’t think they have played Ana. Her unscoped shots are actually slightly slower than Hanzo’s new arrows. I play a decent amount of Hanzo and his arrows are nowhere near as small as Ana’s.

Hitscan doesn’t have a size. That’s what makes it hitscan.

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