Editorial Note - I think it would be stupid to buy a gold gun you get for playing anyway, but there are whales out there in need of using their wallet’s blowhole.
What if, in addition to getting gold guns through comp points, you could buy golden guns for a ridiculous amount of money? Who would it hurt to separate a fool from their money?
People would buy them. These casuals who only play the game for gold weapons are more likely to spend money on cosmetics than people with a dozen smurf accounts.
I think it should be a different color to help show everyone in the lobby who the dumbos are. Something really flashy to make it stand out too.
so maybe better, more serious comp matches? hadn’t thought of that
lol yes, maybe they can upgrade to “shimmering double-ultra gold” for an extra $49.99
Sad thing is. I know this will become a thing soon enough. lol. Just look at blizzard and pay 2 win. They already do it with this game by putting heroes behind a paywall.
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Why are they dumbos though? Because they have a lot of money? Many smart people have a lot of money.
because they’re spending 200 dollars on a video game cosmetic.
A lot of dumb people have a lot of money too
Being able to afford something doesn’t make the purchase a better value. You can still make really stupid purchasing decisions even with a lot of money.
Throw in an obnoxious amount of bloom like they do on mmorpgs.
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each golden gun marks 200 wins in comp that is the golden guns value
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In the short run? The fool, unless he has that level of disposable income.
In the long run? All of us. Blizzard would know people ARE willing to pay a premium for nothing, not even bragging rights because you just swiped a credit card, and so they’ll more awful Macro Transactions.
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This isn’t your call to make though. It’s not a dumb purchase if it’s something they want, doesn’t matter what it’s for. If they had nothing else they needed to spend the money on, if all their needs are met, then what’s dumb about it? It may not be something you’re willing to spend money on, but it doesn’t mean it’s a dumb purchase. I would never waste money on an Apple phone when Androids do the same things, doesn’t mean you’re dumb if you do buy Apple. 
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As I said, being able to afford something doesn’t change the actual value of the purchase - it only portrays the value of the convenience to you. Having a billion dollars doesn’t make paying $1000 for a banana a smart purchase just because it has no meaningful impact on your net worth.
I’m not sure that’s a very reasonable comparison since Apple phones are physical object sold at market value. You’re just unwilling to buy one because you like another one better, not because it’s grossly over-valued. You can pretty objectively measure a lot of the value in Apple’s phones and come to a reasonable estimated value for it.
A more apt comparison would be spending 3x the price of the new phone to get it a day early.
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Sell Damascus weapons, with the texture directly “borrowed” from Call of Duty, and make it come complete with brightly glowing tracer fire! All for $199.99!
I want to see enemies corpses turn into solid gold before fading away with from a “Midas Gun + Tracer pack” Or see a pixellated gun turn enemies into a bunch of blocky pixelized blocks like it’s an old-school game!
Do it Blizzard! I want to laugh at what whales will buy!
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I’m not talking about the value of the item, I’m saying it’s not correct to label somebody as dumb for the purchase. They didn’t buy the $1000 banana because they’re dumb, they just didn’t care that it cost $1000. That was the price of the banana they wanted, so they bought it.
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I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree, because I would call someone who spent $1000 on a banana dumb, regardless of how much money they had.
a smart person with alot of money doesnt waste hundreds of dollars on video game cosmetic’s lol
Kinda steep just for a gold gun
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that would be way to much for cosmetic change like by that logic i would have to spend over 400 bucks just for 2 golden guns with the characters i typically play