What if Bastion had a temp shield like Hammond?

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist… Not sure if this is like entitlement or what, but I’ve seen it a LOT recently…

I do enjoy Bastion, so our opinions cancel each other out…


And i genuinely hope no one is uninformed enough to EVER do this. :kissing_cat:

I’ve been here from the start, bud.

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Then he should stay garbage. He doesn’t get the most OP primary fire in the game along with a good kit. Delete turret form, or stay a throw pick.


what insightful feedback… that i have never seen before, from players that don’t want to ever have a challenge, or learn how to counter anything…

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He is countered easily. BUFFING HIM, I don’t agree with. You people need to come up with something else other than “learn to counter” it’s played out.

It’s nowhere near the most OP primary fire in the game… I’ve already given math behind his damage output, I imagine you completely ignored it. He has extremely low damage at range, much lower than most other DPS in the game. If he did have his old Sentry mode, we wouldn’t be here, we’d have a perfectly fine Bastion already. In fact, even when considering a completely optimal scenario, Bastion only does 450 DPS max, while Hanzo and Reaper have a max DPS of 560… He’s not even the highest DPS in the game…

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You Obviously never played the original Overwatch… :rofl::ok_hand:

I played the game when he had shield so probably more than you.

Well, if that were to be true, you really Haven’t shown much improvement…

Bastion is Literally the most heavily countered hero in this game.
And no one can tell me otherwise.

Somebody said that Bastion mains just want more DPS than everyone instead of actual balance. In situations where Bastion is set up, he is supposed to do more DPS. But nobody said he should be a dominant DPS over the course of the game.

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I literally said he’s easily countered, can you not read? No wonder you spend your days on these forums.

Sure it would help, but it would still just make him an immobile Zarya-sized turret 90% of the time. Doesn’t add flexibility or mobility or anything like that, so while it sounds nice, I don’t really see it addressing the fundamental issues behind Bastion’s current unfortunate state.

Which makes your other statements… False.

Got it.

And yes, i can. :kissing_cat::ok_hand:
Would you like to read my 472 posts in this thread?
[💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored]
The OP Is quite the informative read…

Widow is easily countered yet she has one of the best guns in the game. You’re opinions are all over the place and I’m tired of trying to talk to you. Have fun getting your overpowered/underpowered hero changed. I hope he stays as garbage as he is now. Horrid hero, never should’ve been in this game.

Or rework him but don’t delete turret?

What even are you trying to say? He’s easily countered so don’t buff him?

don’t bother with Trolls… .-.

this is all tiresome… all they want is the satisfaction of arguing.

Or we could make turret work?

Nobody ever said they want him meta.

And you can prove this how? In beta it was still beta, people hadn’t played a lot to learn things. They also went nuclear and deleted it instead of trying to balance it.