What if Bastion had a temp shield like Hammond?

As in you activate it and for a short time he gets his frontal barrier. Obviously with way less health than before. Like 200-300 hp, way lower than before. It’d only be usable in sentry, going into recon or tank after activation would instantly kill the barrier and put it on cooldown. A 15-20 second cooldown after it breaks might be okay

It’d be a reaction ability that is bait-able. If someone pushes into you you can turn it on which gives you the edge in a head on fight but if someone pushes and backs off once it’s activated they just wait the duration and are safe to engage him.

It’s like D.va’s original defense matrix where it was an ability with a duration instead of a toggle-able ability with a resource.

People tend to not like the idea of his barrier in general but it’s just an asset that can be used so I’m thinking of ways to use it.


Well, this Is a good way of going about it, but… i’m still a fan of his original shield, if he were to have one…

(With a health decrease of course)

And to help further balance it, i still Really love the idea of the shield only being able to regen when out of Sentry mode…

Someone once pointed out that Most of Bastion’s skins still have the little lights, that can only really be seen when his shoulder pad/armor things open up, (while in sentry) So… assuming those are the “Emitters” That produce the shield, the concept is actually still possible and could probably be easily implemented…

(And they pointed out that some of the new skins have these as well…)


The problem with this is how it stacks with Orisa shield in a bunker cheese comp.

But it is true that any buff to Bastion would enhance cheese comps.


Well, kind sir…

If we were to remove ironclad along with it, it would in fact make Bastion less “Pocket-able” So… it could be balanced.

Revert Sentry somewhat, add a 400/600 health shield that can only regen in Recon (Or during Tank mode assuming the ult isn’t touched) And remove ironclad.

Balanced, independently playable, less team reliant, less pocket-able, glass cannon BASTION.

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Oh, if they remove ironclad, it would be funnier for everyone.

Penguin Seal of approval. :penguin:


It could either be removed, or have a Version of it, only while healing…

But i would much rather no ironclad, compensation armor on Tank mode, And a reworked shield.

Knowing bliz… if they were to be taking our feedback… they might just be crazy enough to do something like this, and call it a rework.

Bastion’s in the same boat as Torb is and Symm was. He’s super powerful at lower skill levels already, but almost laughable at higher teirs. Adding something to try to make him more useable at higher levels would just make him ridiculously OP at lower.

If possible I’d like them to change Bastion in a way so he’d be stronger on his own but Pirate ship would be weaker.

How to go on about this I don’t know.

I’m just tired of barriers…

Everything is OP At lower levels… In some sort of way…

I have began to consider only the mid to high levels of play, since… i spent some time in bronze/silver…

There just is no “Balance” Down there… No one knows how to counter anything really, and… most people just don’t want to Learn how most of the time. :confused:

That place annoys me.

Well, the removal of Ironclad would help this a LOT As it only really helps him to be healed better by an outside source…

So… yea, even with the addition of a shield, he could still be balanced to be less reliant on his team, and more independent.

Aside from just removing him from the game, there’s no real way to stop pirate ship. But if you make him better on his own, meaning he doesn’t need a Rein/Orisa to even function, then odds are that they’ll play something else. Very few people actually want to play “Protect the Bastion”, if they can get away with not doing it, then they will. Of course, you’ll always have some people that actually do like it, or they just like Orisa (like myself), and they’ll do a sort of mini-pirateship, but it most likely wouldn’t be as common…

Or put tank on E. This would encorage movement from Bastion players.


That works too, and it adds a lot of cool utility to his kit. I would still like at least a partial revert of his Sentry mode if that were the case though.

I just want Sentry to be good, and I’m more than willing to give up Ironclad completely to do it. All that ability really does it encourage players to stay in Sentry way too long, and encourage bunker comps…

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Bastion needs help. But I don’t want to add another shield. It’s lazy design.

Well, if Tank were on E, then i would assume he would have the “Overclocked” Ultimate…

Which could actually tie in well with the “Rework” Ideas proposed here, involving the removal of Ironclad, and the addition of a mode locked shield…

Hell, if brigitte can have one why not the literal war machine?

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I actually read OP, kinda forgot to earlier… 15 - 20 seconds cooldown is an eternity. 8 to 12 would probably be more reasonable…

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Which is why i’m more of a fan of a shield/health bar… It’s more manageable than a cooldown ability, in my humble opinion… <.<

I might make a post at some point detailing My Version of a dream Rework…

I think we have the numbers fleshed out pretty well, at least.
Perhaps i could even use your help with it. :kissing_cat:

I do kinda sorta like the idea of giving his barrier back, maybe as an E ability, but have it toggleable like Rein/Brigitte. Pretty low health, maybe 250-450. He can’t shoot while it’s up, but he can repair and reload. It just allows him to survive Storm Arrows, a Hook, a D.va bomb, stuff like that

No thank you, Bastion is cancer I don’t want him meta.