What I think mercy needs

I think the biggest problem is Rez, everyting in her kit is balanced around that and is what stops her from doing her role, be a pure solo taget MAIN HEALER, every other support can in one form or another do damage and heal at the same time or at least do damage and help with healing indirectly, for example:

-Moira can use heling orb and go dps and vice versa
-Ana can do damage and use her granade to do burst healing and help the other healer with extra +50% healing.
-Baptiste can use his inmortality field and regenerative burst and do damage.

Mercy can damage boost, but her healing is so slow that you can’t use it very often and you relly on the aim of the dps you boosting. Another thing people complain about is how bad feels when she undo a pick with rez.

My idea:

Caduceus Staff:
Healind stays 50 Hp/s.
Resurrect is removed as E ability
New E ability is a “Hitscan” damge reduction of 30/20% for the person you are pocketing with a duration of 4 secs and a cooldown of 12 secs (this is optional or another idea, some kind of CC reducction similar to Rein new passive or a inmunity to the next CC )

Ultimate: (Valk)
Duration: 10 secs.
Caduceus Staff: Healing*, damage boost and damage reduction at the same time with no chain heals (Color changed to white for fiendly and red to enemy).
E ability transforms into 1 or 2 fast rez.
*(60 hp/s)

With this version of mercy healling output stays the same in her base form but you are able to reduce the damage of an ally.
With the ult Mercy’s abilities are enhanced and you get 1 or 2 fast rez, in that way you can only rez in Valk so overall you get less Rez and it stays as a “ultimate”.

What are your ideas or thoughts about it?

Rez will never be tied to her ultimate again, and its for the best

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You can’t use it as often as right now, I think is a powerfull ability that should remain as a ultimate so in that way you don’t get rez in a timer and you have to heal to get it as a reward.

Yup! A small HP/S buff would do the trick. I think 55HP/S would be nice for the main beam and 65HP/S while in Valk.

I’d be against this change

Mercy is in great shape as she is


Interesting ideas but I think we need to put the notion of quick or instant resurrects to rest. We could tweak the existing resurrect ability however to become a charged ability, which can in exchange either grant a slightly reduced casting time or the ability for Mercy to continue being able to use her staff or pistol during casting.

Your idea regarding Valkyrie’s combined chain heal and chain damage beams working at the same time is interesting, but I feel that it still doesn’t really live up to the similar output and saving potential that other main healers can deliver with their ultimate abilities. I’d rather scrap the chain beams and bring a more powerful single target beam instead (at least for healing), this brings back plenty of decision making potential and the ability for Mercy to save someone, rather than just nullify Winston’s tickle gun damage at best.


I still think Mercy should have a shield with her wing where she flies to someone and shields them with her wings instead of rez. Then she’d live up to her name as a guardian angel.

But ultimately, I agree with Megadodo, Mercy’s been great. She might endure some changes to match the role queue system over the next few months, so who knows maybe they might share some ideas you have.

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I think rez is what is holding her to be a better healer, if I had to choose I would delete rez in exhange for better healing like 60 hp/s and 90 hp/s in valk but the devs said that they dont want to get rid of rez.

Anything that isnt the Mercy we have now. I dont care anymore

Not a fan have having a hitscan ability for Mercy. I get wanted to raise her skill cap, but hitscan isn’t that character’s skill set.

I’d like for them to just add a small ability to Mercy’s reload button while she heals. It could be damage reduction or a mini burst heal or whatever. Then nerf something else but leave rez on E.

Basically I want her skill cap to be raised by adding an extra ability entirely and giving her more to work with so she can be funner to play while her skill set still completely revolves around game-sense.

Mercy was still op when they gave her a cast time only outside of valkyrie. You would use valkyrie to mitigate the changes and thus they had to nerf rez again.

They’ve already said they dont want her ultimate to be tied to rez, have rez exclusive to her ult or have mercy use her ultimate only to rez.

I would suggest removing rez altogether, but I made a thread you can look at where i discuss some changes to Mercy;
