What happened to the forums?

The font and the boxes for certain things on the forums has become so cooked, like the general discussions icon is now a beige square and other boxes are not aligned anymore. Is it just me or is everyone else seeing this too?


Itā€™s ugly. Iā€™m not sure about everything that was updated, but we got some kind of patch. You can do spoiler tags now.


It looks the same to me. The last time this happened I had to clear out the cache or something to get it to update. The last time this happened I regretted clearing out the cache to get it to update.

Would anyone mind posting a pic of what the new look? Thanks.

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Someone smeared vaseline on the comment section.


Holy Moly. People actually use the forums on mobile?

If Iā€™m really bored on the toilet and not into whatever book I have in the bathroom and am tired of scrolling Facebook, I will peruse the forums on my phone lol.

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Stranger to not use it on mobile in my opinion.


Good god man, people actually use the forums on a desktop?

Itā€™s 2024

Yeah, itā€™s the same way for me on mobile. The little box is annoying. I want toā€¦fix it. -shakes fist-

I ONLY use forums on mobile

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In my opinion, mobile is easier to access most times of the day if Iā€™m ever interested

Reddit is far less depressingā€¦

There are so many other things to do on ones phone thoughā€¦ youtube, reddit, musicā€¦

Literally the only time I use the forums is when Iā€™m bored at work when itā€™s quiet.

I have never used it on mobile and wonā€™t subject my poor phone to this place lol.

I mean, it is not like you can play the game while you have only your phone aroundā€¦

Yet. If the rumours(?) of an ā€œOW Mobileā€ are anything to go by :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel sorry for people that feel like they have to be on the forums if they arenā€™t playingā€¦

noā€¦noā€¦no onnononā€¦now i cant get the image out of my headā€¦



Iā€™m just thankful they removed that HORRIBLY ugly bright white bar that followed you.

I agree but to be fair Iā€™m watching horse breeding videos on Facebook lol. Thatā€™s not depressing at all, foals are adorable.

Iā€™m a chick, if it helps at all.

Oh no, I mean there are far less depressing things to enjoy on your phone than this forum.

If you are into horses Iā€™m sure there are a bunch of subbreddits that would interest you on reddit and be far more educational than anything youā€™d find on facebook.