What Happened To The Forums?

You may not know it today, you may not know it now… but one day, this comment will be remembered as “Gold.”

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So in summary, nothing’s changed.

Oh, they removed downvotes on posts.

I just wish players here would do some research or approach topics constructively rather than spew out whatever they feel like asking nerfs to heroes like junk or mei or that this should be deleted and so on. There’s just so much of this pointless my opinion>your opinion discussion on the forums that it’s drowning the good topics

Well not really Mercy 1.0 was f tier, not played in the pro scene and hardly ever talked about. The Mercy this mercy that only came about because a certain pro player had a bad day with a knee jerk reaction to a mercy encounter and then his minions saw his rant as an excuse to join the stone throwing event. That dps outburst caused the op rework which Mercy players didn’t want. By this time it became a fun game to see how much they could get Mercy nerfed.

So now we are left with a boring mess of a character, and mercy players are understandably upset and the rest of the comunity are moving on like locusts to see who they can nerf to the ground next.

I’m just talking about they’re impact on the forums.

I made myself few posts that went down to oblivion with 2 or 3 views because the first page was taken by “brigitte is op” or “delete doomfist” or “seagull was right”. No one here wants to talk anymore, we’re just inside a whirlpool of complaints.

Yup… No one I know IRL who played this game still does.

The game got worse. Some people left, some people stayed to complain. I stayed for a bit to complain, then I left.

The Overmoji Cafe has a VERY active discord server

And to you zenkai: yeah, I don’t even go there, I go to the overmoji discord


Yeah. I am not even playing anymore other than 1 day for weeklies. I will probably will come just to get the event skins but that is it.

Err Hello!!! Do you not know this game is broken? And Blizzard don’t give a stuff because they are jealous of how much money Fortnite is making and Blackops has flopped in comparison? Blizzard are a sinking ship!! Find a new game and join the forums for that!!

I cannot tell if you are being serious or not.

If you are, well I still enjoy the game, I think it’s fun and I think things are fine. This is the only online game I’ve really ever enjoyed, and it has also kept me for almost 2 years now, which is surprising for me, so there are no other games for me to find, I’m usually not big on online games

The internet happened :smiling_imp:

Most interesting discussions seemed to have moved to the Story Discussion area since the split happened. Since then, a lot of posts have been strictly for gaming here at the “General Discussion” and more complainers have arose since again, the split with the forums and the Discussions.

The forums aren’t entirely different from today’s North American politics. VERY FEW are interested in having an intelligent discussion where you really listen and (God forbid) adjust your views as a result of the discussion.

It’s just a screaming match with talking points where volume and perseverance win.

Every public space be it a popular forum or comment section in every “civilized” country is a cesspool.

It has always been this, not sure what forums you have been on lol

People have been saying it is broken forever, as for the balance? Psh, I blame the players and their endless complaining about EVERY SINGLE HERO in a basic rotation, it will float from one hero to the next and start again with the same hero it started with before…oh and Fortnite is garbage and will die very soon, 90% building, oh yay fun…also if you hate the game so much why do you still play it and browse its forums?

It’s you, not the forums. They are pretty much the same as they’ve always been.

Never said it wasn’t always there, but now it’s the entirety of the forums, rather than some complaining and some good topics

Now good topics don’t exist

its cause the game’s characters have only received nerfs or changes, that’s all the recent updates have been on this game besides ashe being a hero

Back in the day we used to call the forum PVP phenomenon “forum warriors”.

As for the O.P. The forums have always been horrible especially the forums before this current iteration.