What happened to all the “Nerf Sym/Torb/Bastion” threads?

They used to be all over the old forums, what happened to those? I don’t think I ever actually saw one on the new forum…

People are too busy posting 100 “Nerf Brigitte” threads every day.


Or the 500 revert mercy threads


They got replaced with “BUFF Sym/Torb/Bastion” threads


Uhh wut? Those died off after the first few months no?

People still spammed them from time to time.

I have seen a few nerf Bastion threads and Sym and Torb are getting reworks so I can’t imagine people really care.

Sym & Torb: they are getting reworks. People are getting pretty cranky over Sym’s rework recently, but we have yet to hear anything about Torb so there is little to complain about.

Bastion: no clue.

Probably because those F-tier heros are getting buffs and requesting nerfs on them would just make the poster look like a salty noob.

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I know. I’m not happy about the Sym rework either, but we’ll have to just go with it. No way Blizzard is going back now.

well, here’s a buff Bastion thread with over 2k posts so there’s people in favor of Bastion.
Bastion is being forgotten - #305 by Terranguard-11978

The people posting them got better and realized how limited they are/were

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The Sym rework seems a bit extreme. Probably the best element is the stronger, throwable, turrets. The beam is too much of a change (make it longer-ranged and still auto-lock but still reward accuracy would probably be the best they could achieve with balancing the old style and her need for buffs), the Ultimate seems…SERIOUSLY weird (although it may change), and Teleporter seems at risk of being OP. The move to the defence category is probably reasonable considering her lack of supporting skills, although this could’ve been resolved with some additional changes.

This thread is asking what happened to the NERF threads; I doubt everyone changed to believing Bastion should be buffed overnight. May be a change in who came over and what is believed to be “common knowledge”, but who knows.