What finally made you quit?

Now I won’t be uninstalling ow. Because I’ll still go back for custom games. Like prison escape or if I see you move you die. But the game itself I have no reason to touch for a long time.

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The heroes I enjoy are made to be inferior. So I am forced to play hitscan heroes that are similar to design that can be found in any other game.

So I am playing those games since they are more even ground and Helldivers 2 for the fun.


It’s really cute that you think this isn’t going to eventually be the case with MR

Already is, Diamond+ in comp has hero bans. Hawkeye is banned a lot, and so is Mantis. It’s why I have chosen to learn a lot of other heroes in it.

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At least for now it’s not happening. Helps that I can avoid seemingly as many players as I want to. So when they’re trashy I can just avoid all the spiderman one trucks who think they’re unstoppable.

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I laugh so hard when an Iron Fist or Spiderman dives me, when I am on Hawkeye. It’s just dink NO!

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Why wouldn’t that logic apply in OW I have to ask

People flame for this…well let me learn lots of others then

Never said it doesn’t. I just hate meta slaving and would rather work for my wins, than just play meta and have it handed to me.

Rivals allows bans to prevent that, and learning multiple heroes is required because of the hero bans. (I also can play nearly everyone in OW to a decent level)

It’s obviously gonna get there. But at the same time it’ll take a year or two. May as well enjoy that year or two to the fullest until it does. But also these devs seem to be ready to put their foot down on things. Like how some bans are a century long ban. It’s reminiscent of when Jeff would roll in and say “hey hanzo has the smallest projectile in the game he isn’t shooting logs that’s a player issue.


Makes me laugh so hard to remember how he would come into “I was unfairly banned!” threads, just to be like “Nah you did this this this this that this and this. GG.”

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  • no respect for Ramattra
  • absurd leaver penalties
  • constant favoritism gigabuffing orisa
  • infinite stuff not reworked as resource based abilities.
  • weird balances
  • no solo role queue
  • nobody talks on voicechat / teamchat / matchchat
  • xenophobic players
  • devs care too much about not offending people and they end up delivering concord.
  • mythics are now full legendaries at lv 4 that get shiet removed to make the result fit on tiers 1 to 3

Fair enough

Though I went a different route…I rather just not deal with metas…ever…so I just progressively removed the possibility and now mostly play MH - in the end it serves the same purpose (and tons of fun)


Owc, shows that game i like doesn’t exist anymore


I used Echo for the majority of that one.

As for the topic at hand:
I’ve taken season-long breaks before and it looks like I’m doing that for this season. I’ll still play the game a little bit during those seasons but I think I last did it for Season 11.

I took the S7 Sombra rework to comp through and played her a lot through S9 until my rank plateaued at Diamond 4.

With me not enjoying solo tank play the new tank doesn’t interest me that much so that isn’t enough of a draw to get me back. I seem to really only enjoy when new supports come out because Sombra is my main DPS and the last few DPS that did come out didn’t keep my attention long.

I’ve been playing the game since 2016 and have made a lot of friends in game. Most of them have stopped playing and making new friends in game seems harder now that most people are afraid to chat due to bans. A chunk of one of my favorite old groups came back for 6v6 but I’m playing a bunch of Rivals now and they aren’t too interested in that.

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I simply lost interest in the game, the massive nerfs to Mercy 2.0 helped too…

Actually no, many players quit the game but remain active in the forums, I am one of them and I don’t play OW since july 2021.

The forums are more entertaining than the game IMO.


Haven’t quit completely, but 6v6 made me realize that everything that frustrates me in current ow boils down to 5v5 so I’ve been playing much less

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I haven’t quit but my OW “soul” took a big hit with RQ in 2019 the first time… took a second big one with 5v5 in 2022, then was finally killed when we had learned that PVE was canceled a year and a half before the F2P launch and that they chose not to disclose it to us, on purpose…

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  1. The slow but steady reworking into the ground of all my favourite heroes. Sombra being the final nail.
  2. The seemly random balance choices that frequently made no sense. After what was done in season 9, it was clear there was an issue with competence.
  3. The matchmaker has been awful for all of OW2.

I’ve played this game for a long time, which is why I still visit here in the hope that maybe things will change for the better. But I’m not holding my breath. I played out S13 just for classic and to finish the season pass, and haven’t played it since.

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Nobody here has quit ow lol. (except for insane people, which there are a few, but I assume they frequent other forums too)